beauchamp 中文意思是什麼

beauchamp 解釋
  1. A man arrived yesterday from yanina, bringing a formidable array of documents ; and when we hesitated to publish the accusatory article, he told us it should be inserted in some other paper. " beauchamp understood that nothing remained but to submit, and left the office to despatch a courier to morcerf

    昨天一個從從亞尼納來的人,帶來了那些可怕的東西,當我們對于發表那篇告發性的文章表示猶豫時,他對我們說,假如我們拒絕,那篇文章就會在別家報紙上出現。 」
  2. " pistols, then, at eight o clock, in the bois de vincennes, " said beauchamp, quite disconcerted, not knowing if he was dealing with an arrogant braggadocio or a supernatural being

    「那末,是用手槍,八點鐘,在萬森樹林。 」波尚神情狼狽地說,不知道對方究竟是一個傲慢的自大者還是一個超人。
  3. Beauchamp was breakfasting when he read the paragraph. he sent immediately for a cabriolet, and hastened to the publisher s office

  4. For example, here is debray who reads, and beauchamp who prints, every day, a member of the jockey club has been stopped and robbed on the boulevard ; four persons have been assassinated in the rue st. denis or the faubourg st. germain ; ten, fifteen, or twenty thieves, have been arrested in a caf on the boulevard du temple, or in the thermes de julien, - and yet these same men deny the existence of the bandits in the maremma, the campagna di romana, or the pontine marshes

  5. Said he, after this embarrassing silence. " when you please, " replied beauchamp ; " allow me only to compliment m. de morcerf, who has given proof to - day of rare chivalric generosity.

    「走吧, 」波尚回答, 「只是先允許我向馬爾塞夫先生祝賀一下,他今天做了一件這樣寬宏大量,這樣富於騎士精神和這樣罕見的舉動! 」
  6. " yes, for you who detest those unhappy princes, beauchamp, and are always delighted to find fault with them ; but not for me, who discover a gentleman by instinct, and who scent out an aristocratic family like a very bloodhound of heraldry.

    「在你看來是這樣,你厭惡那些倒霉的親王,總是很高興能在他們身上發現過錯,但在我則不然,我憑本能就能辨別一位紳士,能象一隻研究家譜學的獵犬那樣嗅出一個貴族家庭的氣息。 」
  7. " and this fortune will be doubled at the death of the old jacobin, noirtier. " that is a tenacious old grandfather, " said beauchamp

    「等到那個老雅各賓黨徒諾瓦蒂埃去世的時候,他的財產還可以再加一倍。 」
  8. Indeed, m. beauchamp, it is quite laughable.

    真的,波尚先生,這也太可笑啦。 」
  9. In one of the mourning - coaches beauchamp, debray, and chateau - renaud were talking of the very sudden death of the marchioness

  10. Beauchamp, one of the kings of the press, and therefore claiming the right of a throne everywhere, was eying everybody through his monocle

  11. Beauchamp, who had watched with sincere pity the young man s paroxysm of grief, approached him

  12. Beauchamp was thunderstruck. " who, then, has so correctly informed you ?

    波尚猶如五雷轟頂, 「那末,是誰來這樣正式地通知你的呢? 」
  13. " i went to tortoni s, where, as i expected, i found beauchamp and chateau - renaud

  14. " indeed, my dear friend, " said beauchamp first, who had either the most feeling or the least dissimulation, " allow me to congratulate you ; this is a very unhoped - for conclusion of a very disagreeable affair. " albert remained silent and wrapped in thought

    「真的,我親愛的朋友, 」波尚首先說,不知道他究竟是受到了怎樣的感動,或是因為裝腔作勢, 「請允許我向你道賀,對于這樣一件非常難理解的事情,這確是一個想象不到的結果。 」
  15. Bowing under the weight of twenty - four years reminiscences, he thought not of albert, of beauchamp, of chateau - renaud, or of any of that group ; but he thought of that courageous woman who had come to plead for her son s life, to whom he had offered his, and who had now saved it by the revelation of a dreadful family secret, capable of destroying forever in that young man s heart every feeling of filial piety

  16. One morning albert was awakened by his valet de chambre, who announced beauchamp

  17. The valet de chambre had received orders to usher him in at once. beauchamp was in his bath

  18. " of which he is the brightest ornament, " said beauchamp, drinking off a glass of champagne

    「他是那個社會的光榮。 」波尚說道,喝乾了一杯香檳。
  19. I shall perhaps find myself one day called out by some harebrained scamp, who has no more real cause of quarrel with me than you have with beauchamp ; he may take me to task for some foolish trifle or other, he will bring his witnesses, or will insult me in some public place, and i am expected to kill him for all that.

    有一天,也許會有一個非常暴躁的傢伙來找到我。他跟我或許也象您和波尚那樣並沒有真正值得吵架的理由,但他也會逼著我操心一件無聊的小事,他會叫他的陪證人來見我,或者是在一個公眾場所侮辱我噢,那我就只好殺死那個淺薄的傢伙。 」
  20. " yes, yes, " said albert, " and may there remain only the eternal friendship which i promised to my deliverer, which shall be transmitted to our children s children, and shall always remind me that i owe my life and the honor of my name to you, - for had this been known, oh, beauchamp, i should have destroyed myself ; or, - no, my poor mother

    「是的,是的, 」阿爾貝說, 「只讓永恆的友誼存在吧,我向我的救主答應那種友誼將在我們的子孫世世代代保存下去,並使我永遠記得:我的生命和名譽都出於你的恩賜!因為,假如這件事被別人知道,噢!波尚呀,我就得毀滅我自己,或是不,我可憐的母親!