beren 中文意思是什麼

beren 解釋
  1. Beren 和 huan 的 死別 : “ beren spoke not, but laid his hand upon the head of the hound, and so they parted

    鄧版: 「貝倫沒有說話,只是伸手不停撫摸神犬的頭,他們就這樣死別了。 」
  2. Beren 死后 : “ but the spirit of l thien fell down into darkness, and at the last it fled, and her body lay like a flower that is suddenly cut off and lies for a while unwithered on the grass

    鄧版: 「露西安的魂魄落入了黑暗中,到最後終于離開了軀體,她靜臥的身體彷彿乍然被摘下的花朵,躺臥在青草上,一時之間還不會枯萎。 」