bonaparte 中文意思是什麼

bonaparte 解釋
n. 名詞 波拿巴〈法國科西嘉島上的家族〉。
Napoleon Bonaparte 拿破崙波拿巴〈1769-1821,法國皇帝〉。

  1. The fbi was started under teddy roosevelt by attorney general charles bonaparte.

  2. " by bonaparte, or, at least, by his adherents.

    「拿破崙或至少是他的黨羽。 」
  3. Your fellow - countryman, bonaparte, became emperor.

    你的同鄉波拿巴還做了皇帝呢。 」
  4. What about " bonaparte ' s retreat " ? that ' s one i play,

  5. Bonaparte was born with a silver spoon in his mouth

  6. Don ' t forget it was born under bonaparte

  7. He ' s staying at a suite at the bonaparte hotel downtown

  8. You walk down rue bonaparte and come out on the river

    你沿著rue bonaparte大街漫步來到河邊
  9. You know the anecdote about bonaparte and count markov

  10. As soon as bonaparte, who was at schnbrunn, only twenty - five versts from hollabrunn, received murats despatch and projects of truce and capitulation, he detected the deception and despatched the following letter to murat : to prince murat. schnbrunn, 25 brumaire, year 1805,

  11. Then during the first day of solitude and idleness pierre tried several times in vain to fix his attention on the masonic manuscripts there rose several times vaguely to his mind the idea that had occurred to him in the past of the cabalistic significance of his name in connection with the name of bonaparte. but the idea that he,

  12. For the last ten months my ministers have redoubled their vigilance, in order to watch the shore of the mediterranean. if bonaparte landed at naples, the whole coalition would be on foot before he could even reach piomoino ; if he land in tuscany, he will be in an unfriendly territory ; if he land in france, it must be with a handful of men, and the result of that is easily foretold, execrated as he is by the population. take courage, sir ; but at the same time rely on our royal gratitude.

    過去十個月來,我們的各個大臣都加倍地警惕著地中海,以確保平安無事,如波拿巴在那不勒斯登陸,那麼在他到達皮昂比諾以前,是整個聯軍就會行動起來,如果他在托斯卡納登陸,就踏上了一塊與他為敵的國土,如果他在法國登陸,那他只有帶點少數的人馬,象他這樣被人民深惡痛絕的人,其結果是可以想得到的,放心吧,好了先生,不過,王室仍然很感謝您。 」
  13. Napoleonic wars : battle of waterloo leads to napoleon bonaparte abdicating the throne of france for a second, final time

  14. Rastoptchins posters, with a print at the top of a gin - shop, a potman, and the moscow artisan, karpushka tchigirin, who, having gone into the militia, heard that bonaparte meant to come to moscow, was mightily wroth thereat, used very bad language about all the french, came out of the gin - shop and began to address the people assembled under the eagles, were as much read and discussed as the last

    拉斯托普欽散發了一種傳單,上面畫著一家酒館一個酒保一個莫斯科小市民卡爾普什卡奇吉林這個奇吉林曾當過后備兵,他多喝了幾杯聽說波拿巴要攻打莫斯科,就火冒三丈,用臟話痛罵所有的法國佬。他走出酒館,在鷹形招牌下面,對聚在那兒的民眾講起話來, ,這張傳單如同瓦西里利沃維奇普希金的限韻詩被人們誦讀與討論。
  15. I am less affected by their heroism who stood up for half an hour in the front line at buena vista , than by the steady and cheerful valor of the men who inhabit the snowplow for their winter quarters ; who have not merely the three - o ' - clock - in - the - morning courage , which bonaparte thought was the rarest , but whose courage does not go to rest so early , who go to sleep only when the storm sleeps or the sinews of their iron steed are frozen

  16. A tooth believed to belong to napoleon bonaparte is expected to fetch up to 8, 000 at a wiltshire auction

    1顆據信屬于拿破崙的牙齒,可望在威爾特郡拍賣會上賣得8千英鎊(約47萬元臺幣) 。
  17. Bennigsen has gained it seems a complete victory over bonaparte near eylau

  18. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say " impossible " bonaparte napoleon

  19. Everywhere bonaparte was anathematised, and the only thing talked of in moscow was the impending war

  20. The national order of the legion of honor was founded by napoleon bonaparte and recognizes eminent service to the republic of france
