break 中文意思是什麼

音標 [breik]
break 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 (broke, 〈古語〉 brake; broken ,〈古語〉broke)1. 毀壞,弄壞,損壞,毀損。
break a doll 弄壞洋囡囡。
break a sewing machine 損壞縫紉機。
2. 打破,碰破,撞破;打碎;折斷;擦破;撕開。
break a bottle [cup] 打破瓶[杯]子。
break a vase to pieces 把花瓶打得粉碎。
break an arm 折斷手臂。
break (off) a branch 折斷樹枝。
break one's head 撞破頭。
break the skin 擦破皮膚。
break cloth [paper] 撕開布[紙]。
3. 犯,違犯,破壞,違,違背;破除;通過法律手續使(遺囑)失效;取消,解除。
break a promise 違反諾言,食言。
break the law 違法,犯法。
break a law [rule] 觸犯某項法律[規定]。
break a contract 違反合同。
break off an engagement 解除婚約。
break a will 取消遺囑,使遺囑失效。
break the chains 砸開鎖鏈。
4. 沖開(水面等),開墾(土地等),翻(土),梳(麻);打開(門等),挑開(水皰);破(門);闖入;沖破;越(獄),突(圍),逃出,跳出;打開(局面等),開創(新路等)。
break the door open 沖開大門。
break jail [prison] 越獄。
break ground 破土(動工) 。
break fresh ground 開辟新天地。
He broke the blister with a needle. 他用針挑開水皰。
break a siege 突圍,沖破圍困。
break a trail through the woods 披荊斬棘在林中行進。
break the water (魚)跳出水面。
break surface [water] (潛水艇)浮出水面。
5. 使中止;打斷;切斷,截斷,遮斷;妨礙;打攪,攪亂;戒除;破除。
break a journey 中止旅程,中途下車。
break an electric circuit 切斷電流。
break the cigarette habit 戒煙。
break the tie 打破不分勝負的局面。
break the convention 打破成規。
break a strike 使罷工停止。
break sb. 's sleep 打擾了某人的睡眠。
break the silence with a cry 以喊聲打破寂靜。
The railway communication is broken. 名詞 鐵路交通斷絕了。
6. 兌開(鈔票);分開;拆開(整體),卸開(槍的)裝彈和發射部。
break a dollar bill into change 把一元鈔票兌成零錢。
The prism broke the light into all the colors of the rainbow. 棱鏡把陽光分解成虹的所有色彩。
break a dining room set by buying a chair 買走一把椅子使一套餐廳傢具不再成套。
7. 制服;馴(獸),使馴服;制止;阻止;破獲(案件),破解(密碼);解決,解開(難題等);削減,減弱;挫敗,壓倒。
break a horse 馴馬。
The bushes will break his fall. 灌木叢會減弱他摔下來的勢頭。
break the case 破獲案件。
break a cipher system 破解開一套密碼。
A stand of trees will break the wind. 一排樹會減弱風勢。
break a man of his bad habit 制止某人的惡習。
break the problem 解決了問題。
He was broken by the threats. 他被威脅壓服了。
break sb. 's spirit 挫折某人的銳氣。
8. 暗示,泄漏,暴露(秘密等)。
break secret plans to the enemy 把秘密計劃泄露給敵方。
He broke the good news to her at dinner. 他吃飯時把好消息透露了給她。
9. 使衰敗;使破產;免(職),降(職);葬送(前途)。
He broke the bank at Monte Carlo. 他在蒙特卡羅的豪賭使銀行破產了。
break one's career 毀掉了前途。
He was broken from sergeant to private. 他從軍士降為列兵。
10. 打破,超過(記錄)。
break all track records 打破徑賽項目的全部記錄。
break a speed record 創造一項速度新記錄。
11. 駁倒,使(證據、辯辭等)不能成立。
break down a witness 駁倒偽證。
break sb. 's alibi 揭穿某人的辯詞。
12. 發動(宣傳等)。
13. 【棒球】投(歪球),投(曲線球);【拳擊】制止(扭抱)。
break a curve 【棒球】投出曲線球。
14. 【法律】非法侵入。
break a house 非法侵入他人住宅。
15. 使(股票等)猛跌價。
vi. 不及物動詞 1. 破裂,碎;損壞,發生故障;崩;斷,折斷;中斷;受挫;挫折;(軍隊等)潰敗;(瘡)潰爛。
The glass broke. 杯子打壞了。
A piece of china breaks easily. 瓷器容易打碎。
The rope broke. 繩子斷了。
The TV set broke. 電視機發生故障。
My heart will break. 我心要碎了。
2. 闖入 (into) 逃出 (from out of) 擺脫,離開。
3. 突現,爆發,忽起;突變,【音樂】變音;(霜、霧等)消散;(天)破曉,放晴。
The weather broke. 天氣變晴。
His face broke out into a smile. 他變得笑逐顏開。
The day broke hot and sultry. 天亮了,天氣又熱又悶。
Dawn began to break. 東方欲曉。
The storm broke. 暴風雨突然來臨。
The boy's voice has broken. 名詞 這孩子發育變嗓音了。
4. 破產,倒閉;(信用、名譽等)掃地;(健康等)垮掉,變弱,衰;(抵抗等)崩潰;(在壓力等之下)屈服。
The bank broke. 這家銀行破產了。
His health broke after years of hardship. 多年的困苦生活使他的身體垮了。
5. (花)發芽,打苞,長(蕾)。
6. (消息)傳開,透露出。
The story broke in a morning paper. 消息在一家晨報上透露出來了。
7. (工作中)略事休息。
break for lunch 暫停下工作吃頓飯。
8. 【棒球】(球)曲行,(球)投歪。
9. 〈美國〉(證券)行市暴跌;(潛艇等)突現於水面;〈美國〉突進,猛沖 (for) (波浪)沖擊 (over on against). 10. 【拳擊】(從扭抱中)放開,分開;〈裁判員命令扭抱中的雙方〉分開!11. 發生,發展,進展。
n. 名詞 1. 破,壞;損壞;裂,裂口,碎裂;折斷(a break in the window 玻璃窗上的裂縫。
a break in the clouds 雲朵間的一線青天)。
2. (天氣的)突變;破曉,天亮(a break in the weather 天氣驟變。
break of day 天亮)。
3. 中止,停頓,斷絕;(電視廣播節目等的)暫停;休息(時間);決裂,絕交(a break for the commercial 廣告節目。
a break with convention 與陳規決裂。
a break in one's conversation 談話的暫停。
a lunch break午休。
a coffee break 上下午的工間小休息,吃茶時間)。
4. 【臺球】連得分數;(球的)反跳,屈折;【音樂】急劇變調,換聲點;短促停頓;【電學】切斷,中斷,斷線,斷路(器);【礦物】斷裂,斷層;【航海】船樓端部;【建築】斷面;【印刷】(一行最末一詞過長需轉行接寫的)斷開處;連接符號「-」。
5. 逃走,跑出;(賽馬等的)起跑;練馬用馬車,大型四輪馬車(a jail break 越獄。
a break for freedom (從囚禁中)逃跑)。
6. 〈口語〉闖進;猛沖,奔,突破;(飛機失速后的)突然下降;〈古語〉爆發,激發 (The started deer made a break for the thicket. 受驚的鹿奔向叢林)。
7. 〈美俚〉錯誤,失策,失敗;(市價等的)暴跌;語言無禮,舉止不當(a bad break 失禮,失儀,失禮的舉動)。
8. 〈俚語〉運氣,命運;〈口語〉機會;分歧點(She's won too. What's a break! 她也贏了,真是好運氣。
Give him a break. 給他一個改過的機會吧!)。
9. 開墾地;(穀物的)舂磨。
breakable1. adj. 形容詞 容易破碎的。
2. n. 名詞 〈常 pl. 〉易破碎的東西。

  1. Emphasis on pollution abatement may cause recovery systems to be installed, especially if production cost can be brought near the break-even point.

  2. The deerslayer did not break through the fringe of bushes immediately abreast of the canoe.

  3. " body gamma knife is mainly used for curing all kinds of body tumors, and the latest generation three - dimensional directional actinotherapy devices. it incorporates many modern high - techs and effectively break through the limit of actinotherapy devices available while precisely focused and three - dimensional directional. it also has adjusted actinotherapy, wide range irradiation and common actinotherapy, and protects the normal organism from damage at best while its dosage precisely destroys tumor organism

  4. Addition of the shortstop causes the emulsion to break.

  5. But addled eggs do break of themselves

    「我不相信人是和蛋一樣的。 」
  6. It was essential that the europeans break away from slavish adherence to authority.

  7. Self adhesive tapes - measurement of elongation at break

  8. I hope that these facts i have stated in this letter may determine you to make a clean break with your past and start afresh.

  9. Only when the last child had disappeared did sister agatha break her rigid pose.

  10. Cop 1 we tried to break up these agitators, peaceful - like

  11. If law and order break down, anarchy will result.

  12. If law and order break down, anarchy will result

  13. The only hope i had was that we might reach our anchorage with speedthat would break up the game.

  14. England ' s opium trade and the cannon from in the ignorant condition which passed on from generation to generation awaken the chinese, cause they to produce the revolutionary struggle enthusiasm ; it will break the condition which china will close the borders and practice isolationism, will cause china to realize with the outside world relation, thus will promote chinese ancient regime demise ; china ' s social development in the process which will affect mutually is realizing with the western country social development

  15. To entice all the people looking for a loo - break to stay a bit longer, locals bought the antebellum houses and turned them into restaurants and inns

  16. At any moment they may break the veil.

  17. Based on the previous research on the portal crane administration, one standpoint put forward in this paper is idea that is on the foundation of reliability in this paper, two viewpoints take shape when reason is analyzed, that is fatigue break and appearing the flaw that will extend. what is the fatigue break ? ( this phenomenon is always happen in some place ), the fatigue is that board appears apophysis and concave when the board is pressed. so that the board ability of bearing the weight of load will descend

  18. Announce according to top people court " about hearing person damages case applicable law the explanation of a certain number of problems " regulation, road, bridge, channel wait for what build artificially to because safeguard, build thing, administrative flaw sends a person to damage ; pile up article boils fall, slide or pile up content collapse sends a person to damage ; arboreous dump, break off or fructification falls send what the person damages to perhaps manage a person to assume liability to pay compensation by everybody, but the exception that can prove oneself do not have fault

  19. In fact in the die casting process, when the liquid metal have not solidified completely, in order to break arborescent structures which have already solidified and then proceed fine - crystal intensification, we apply a deforming force, so the mechanical properties of parts produced by liquid combination process of die casting and forging will be improved significantly

  20. Sample ' s analyses and tests in laboratory, this thesis makes a detailed research on holocene deposits characteristics of mu us desert, especially on characteristics of grain size composition, which break through previous description of determining the nature and gain a series of number indexes. at the same time, this thesis has also researched arenaceous source on every part of mu us. firstly mu us desert ' s forming process is deeply influenced by the east asian monsoon, the grain size gradually becomes smaller, while the magnetic susceptibility becomes larger from northwest to southeast this phenomenon not only appears on the surface of mu us, but also obviously reflects on the same layer of different places

    根據大量野外詳細考察和室內樣品分析與測試,本文對毛烏素沙地全新世地層沉積特徵做了細致的探討,尤其對區域地層的粒度組成特徵做了進一步的研究,突破了以往的定性描述,得出了一系列量化指標;結合野外的考察工作,對其不同地區的沙質來源做了詳細分析,主要得出以下結論: 1 、毛烏素沙地形成過程深受東亞季風影響,粒度自西北向東南逐漸變細、磁化率值逐漸變大。