bwalya 中文意思是什麼

bwalya 解釋
  1. 46 sot : kalusha bwalya ( english ) i think that the strongest also in this department in the midfield is a guy like deco

  2. 50 sot : kalush bwalya ( english ) up front, ghana has gyan, who has impressed me with his ability, one against one, you know, to hold the ball

    Kalush bwalya說:在前場,迦納隊的吉安?阿薩莫阿是一名很優秀的球員,他的一對一和控球能力都很強。
  3. 37 sot : kalusha bwalya ( english ) also the transition from the back going to the front, you know cristiano ronaldo you know they put pace in their ability to go forward

    Kalusha bwalya說:他們從后場到前場的銜接也很好。克里斯蒂亞諾?羅納爾多能夠大大加快向前場推進的速度。
  4. 02 sot : kalusha bwalya ( english ) and of course figo you know i think he has been on great form and i think indivually the tournament at this stage the big inviduals, they ' ll come out and they ' ll be able to make a difference at this tourament

    Kalusha bwalya說:當然費戈也是一名偉大的球員,我個人認為,在這樣的大賽當中,這些個人能力出眾的球員將左右比賽的結果。
  5. 11 sot : kalusha bwalya ( english ) first of all i think great individual skills, also they have a very organised defense if you think of ricardo carvalho, fernando meira at the back and miguel and nuno valente

    Kalusha bwalya說:首先要說的是葡萄牙隊的球員個人能力都很出眾,他們的防守組織的也很好,在後衛線上,葡萄牙擁有費爾南多?梅拉,里卡多?卡瓦略,以及努諾?瓦倫特這樣的優秀球員。