catch 中文意思是什麼

音標 [kætʃ]
catch 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 (caught; caught)1. 捕捉;逮著,捕獲,攔截;用網捕(鳥等);迷惑住。
2. 看到,看穿,看出,發覺。
3. 聽到,聽清;領悟,了解,理會(意味)。
4. 使進退兩難,使害怕;(暴風雨等)襲擊。
5. 趕(得上)(火車等);追著。
6. 鉤住;掛住,絆住;(因說錯話等而)突然中止(發言等);【機械工程】擋住;(盆)承受(雨水),接住(球等);【棒球等】接住球(使擊球員退出);打(中);碰著;(偶然)碰見。
7. 感染,傳染上,患(傳染病等)。
8. 著(火),燒。
9. 惹得,引起(注意)。
10. 遭受(處罰等)。
11. 打(個盹),掃(一眼)。
12. 〈美俚〉抽(煙)。
catch sb. by the arm 抓住某人手臂。
be caught red-handed 當場捉住。
A nail caught her dress. 釘子掛住了她的衣服。
catch one's finger in a door 門夾住指頭。
The stone caught me on the nose. 石頭打中我的鼻子。
She caught him one in the eye. 她在他的眼睛上打了一下。
The wind catches a sail. 風頂著船帆。
I caught (a) cold. 傷了風,招了寒。
The flames caught the adjoining house. 火延燒到隔壁。
catch one's breath 忍住呼吸。
I did not catch what you said. 我沒有聽懂[清]你說什麼。
catch the tune 聽出是什麼曲調。
The dog catches the scent. 狗聞出臭跡。
catch a likeness 畫一個像。
catch a nap 打個盹。
catch a glimpse of 看一眼。
vi. 不及物動詞 1. (想)捉住,(想)抓住 (at); (想)領悟 (at)。
2. (門)被閂住,鎖住;掛住,絆住,(手指)夾住,(腳)陷進 (in) ;〈英方〉(水)結冰;(聲音等)悶住,塞住。
3. 著火,發火。
4. 傳染;時興,流行。
5. 【棒球】做接球員。
6. 〈美口〉(莊稼)發芽。
7. 〈英俚〉得人緣。
n. 名詞 1. 捕捉,把握;【棒球】接球,接球員;捕獲數,漁獲量。
2. 利益;〈口語〉希望得到的東西[人],動心的事物。
3. (門的)拉手,把手,門扣,門鉤。
4. 陷阱,圈套,詭計;料不到的困難。
5. (聲息等的)梗塞,噎。
6. 【機械工程】凸輪;制動器,掣子,輪檔;抓爪;捕捉器;【化學】(接)受器。
7. 【音樂】滑稽輪唱歌曲;(歌曲的)片斷。
8. (莊稼的)茁壯。
adj. 形容詞 1. 引人注意的,有趣味的。
2. 設有圈套的。

  1. Thanks for coming to seiki ' s catch and eat abalone tour

  2. Rheumatism is much by catch a cold together, expression to wander the gender aches, after can be odd side joint, individual joint comes on, articulatory and unwell, hair is cool, encounter cold accentuation, encounter heat to alleviate

  3. The catch is that these card games are addictive

  4. The main purpose of the advert is to catch people ' s attention

  5. The candidates employ top public relations and advertising men, who invent clever catch phrase

  6. Many aspiring to be elected as the party candidate employ top public relations and advertising men, who invent clever catch phrases and set about “ selling ” their man

    許多想成為該黨候選人的人,聘請頂級公共關系和宣傳專家,由他們撰寫別出心裁的宣傳口號, 「推銷」他們為之效力的候選人。
  7. If you wait at that bus stop, you can catch the airbus

  8. The country accounts for 12 percent of the global catch of 2 million tons and gobbles up about a quarter of the world ' s supply of the five big species : bluefin, southern bluefin, bigeye, yellowfin and albacore

  9. You wouldn't be impressed by your catch anyway.

  10. They catch assurance from their contact with the public.

  11. With the wind a quarter astern, we wont catch them

  12. Catch the glittering sunlight of auckland

  13. Auden has been fighting annie off for years, but she will catch him in the end.

  14. Avoiding the j2se 5. 0 additions to the standard libraries shouldn t be a major problem, but it can potentially catch you by surprise if you use autosuggestion popups in your ide and accidentally pick a method or class that was only added in j2se 5. 0

    避免對標準庫的j2se 5 . 0添加不應該是一個主要問題,但是如果使用ide中的感應彈出特性並偶然挑選了一個僅添加到j2se 5 . 0中的方法或類,它就有可能讓您得到錯誤。
  15. Even jem looked up to catch one glimpse, before he hid his face from her look of aversion.

  16. I didn ' t buy the magazine last month ; i must try to get hold of a back number so that i can catch up on the articles i missed

  17. He snatched at the ball but did not catch it.

  18. These entries and notations shall be made within twenty - four ( 24 ) hours after the catch was made and shall be written legibly in ink or ballpen

    條目和注釋應當在捕魚后二十四( 24 )小時以內進行錄入,並且應當以鋼筆或圓珠筆清晰地書寫。
  19. To catch bandits, first catch the ringleader.

  20. We barely had time to catch the train.
