caulaincourt 中文意思是什麼

caulaincourt 解釋
  1. After all napoleon had said to him, after those outbursts of wrath, and after the last frigidly uttered words, i will not detain you, general ; you shall receive my letter, balashov felt certain that napoleon would not care to see him again, would avoid indeed seeing again the envoy who had been treated by him with contumely, and had been the eyewitness of his undignified outburst of fury. but to his surprise balashov received through duroc an invitation to dine that day at the emperors table. there were present at dinner, bessires, caulaincourt, and berthier

    在拿破崙對他說了那一切之後,在那一陣憤怒的發泄並在最後冷冷地說了如下幾句話之後: 「 je ne vous retiens plus , gnral , vous recevrez ma lettre 」我不多耽擱您了,將軍,您會接到我給您們皇帝的回信譯者,巴拉瑟夫相信,拿破崙不僅不願再看見他,而且還會盡力迴避他一個受侮辱的使者,更主要的是,他是拿破崙有失體面的沖動行為的見證人。
  2. Napoleon got up, and summoning caulaincourt and berthier, began conversing with them of matters not connected with the battle

  3. Oh, thats the french ambassador himself, she said in answer to the countesss inquiry as to the identity of caulaincourt

    「可不是,這就是法國公使本人。 」當伯爵夫人詢問科蘭庫爾是何許人時,她答道。
  4. A great number, however, of monasteries and churches is always a sign of the backwardness of a people, said napoleon, looking at caulaincourt for appreciation of this remark

    「但是許多修道院和教堂向來就是俄國人民落後的特徵。 」拿破崙說,他轉過臉來看看科蘭庫爾,希望他對這個觀點表示贊賞。
  5. The one selected by charles xii. balashov could not help flushing with delight at the felicity of this reply. balashov had hardly uttered the last word poltava when caulaincourt began talking of the badness of the road from petersburg to moscow and his own petersburg reminiscences
