chimed 中文意思是什麼

chimed 解釋
  1. Several other women also chimed in, with an animus which none of them would have been so fatuous as to show but for the rollicking evening they had passed

  2. "and the gas, " chimed in the lady.

  3. A clock chimed somewhere.

  4. "it's not a question of what we would do, " chimed in harlow.

  5. Before orion could answer, thomas robert and i all chimed in.

  6. Eventually all over the room clocks of diverse pattern musically chimed eleven.

  7. As soon as the weary choristers it was their twentieth service began languidly singing their habitual chant, o mother of god, save thy servants from calamity, and priest and deacon chimed in, for to thee we all fly as our invincible bulwark and protectress, there was a gleam on every face of that sense of the solemnity of the coming moment, which he had seen on the hill at mozhaisk and by glimpses in so many of the faces meeting him that morning

    神甫和助祭就接著唱: 「上帝保佑我們,投向你,就像投向不可摧毀的堡壘。 」於是所有人的臉上又現出那種意識到即將來臨的重大事件時的表情,這種表情那天早晨皮埃爾在莫扎伊斯克山腳下看見過,有時也在碰見的許許多多張臉上看見過這種表情,人們更加頻繁地低頭,抖動頭發,聽得見嘆息聲和在胸前劃十字發出的聲音。
  8. And tess won t look pretty in her best cloze no mo - o - ore ! her mother chimed in to the same tune : a certain way she had of making her labours in the house seem heavier than they were by prolonging them indefinitely, also weighed in the argument

  9. Miss douce chimed in in deep bronze laughter, shouting

  10. After some slices of bread and jam, sabina said: "i say, you know, you are a brick!" and freda chimed in: "right! "

  11. The doctor chimed in, " i don ' t know, but i ' ve never seen such ineptitude !

    醫生也跟著起鬨: 「俺也不知道,不過打的夠臭的。 」
  12. Juve president giovanni cobolli gigli also chimed in with : " deschamps is our coach. period.

    尤文主席吉奧瓦尼?科波利?吉利同樣證實: 「德尚是我們一個時期的教練。 」
  13. " i actually think you are jealous of mr. hapgood, " ruth had chimed in

    「我的確認為你是妒忌哈撲古德先生。 」
  14. After some slices of bread and jam, sabina said : " i say, you know, you are a brick ! " and freda chimed in : " right !

    吃了幾片果醬麵包之後,莎比娜說: 「我說呀,你要知道,你真是個好人! 」弗蕾達便應合著說: 「沒錯! 」
  15. As big ben chimed the first moments of 2008, the fireworks lit the sky

  16. Of course, the possibility of a fifth man chimed completely with golitsin's evidence about a ring of five.

  17. When one of us suggested forming a group to study lu xun ' s chief writings, we all chimed in

  18. Professors, students, their families and friends wept openly as those attending the political science department ' s ceremony were asked to remain silent while a bell chimed for each of nine slain students and their posthumous degrees were awarded

  19. Her softening voice chimed in beautifully with the echo of the music

  20. Clare chimed in cordially ; but his heart was troubled all the same
