client option 中文意思是什麼

client option 解釋
  • client : n 1 訴訟[辯護]委託人;顧客,客人。2 〈古羅馬〉(依附貴族的)門客;受保護者,依附他人者。3 附庸國...
  • option : n 選擇,取捨,選擇權,選擇自由;可選擇的東西;【商業】(在契約有效期可附加一定貼水的)選擇買賣的...
  1. Option, which specifies the hardware address of the client

  2. Iis security option the kerberos authentication protocol defines the interactions between a client and a network authentication service known as a key distribution center

    ( iis安全性選項) kerberos身份驗證協議定義客戶端與稱作密鑰分發中心( key distribution center , kdc )的網路身份驗證服務之間的交互。
  3. In this deputy - client relationship the form is the deputy of the human resources. so we can tell that there are real option bond between the form and the human resources. human resources ’ real option is a special choice rights

  4. If [ client ] fails to exercise its option to renew the contract, then the term shall expire automatically on the expiration date

  5. [ [ client ] shall have the option to renew this contract through a written notice signed by its authorized representative and delivered to the other party at least [ sixty ( 60 ) ] days prior to the expiration date

    有權選擇在期滿日之前至少[六十( 60 ) ]天向另一方遞交經其授權代表簽署的書面通知,通知另一方該方決定續展合同, [續展期限與本合同原期限相同] 。
  6. When this option is enabled, and the ejb client is running in a remote process from the application server, then websphere application server will " prefer " application servers that are located on the same machine as the ejb client, hence the term " prefer local. " if there are no running application servers on the same machine as the ejb client, and " prefer local " is enabled, then and only then will websphere application server distribute ejb client requests to remote machines

    當該選項啟用並且ejb客戶機運行在應用服務器的遠程進程中時, websphere application server會「首選」位於與ejb客戶機相同的機器上的應用服務器,因此術語為「首選本地」 。如果在與ejb客戶機相同的機器上沒有正在運行的應用服務器,並且啟用了「首選本地」 ,則websphere application server會將ejb客戶機請求分發到遠程機器,也只有這種情況它才這樣做。
  7. Option, the result set is returned to the client as an

  8. Iis security option in this scenario, the client has a certificate a digital identification that has been obtained from a third - party source

    ( iis安全性選項)在此方案中,客戶端具有已從第三方來源獲取的證書(即數字標識) 。
  9. Used when the type option sent by the server was not recognized by the client

  10. Architecting client side implementations leaves the practitioner the option of either using device proprietary interface or invoking web services to benefit from non - proprietary device coding

  11. This option is often better than the alternatives. storing session state in the client using http cookies or hidden form fields has significant security risks - it exposes a part of your application internals to the untrusted client layer

    在客戶端用http cookie或者隱藏表單欄位存儲會話狀態有很大的安全風險它將應用程序的一部分內部內容暴露給了非受信任的客戶層。
  12. While the browser option provides online access to available resources, the eclipse - based architecture of the workplace managed client provides a rich user experience with all the functionality of a native desktop client, including offline functionality, replication mechanisms, and strong security

    瀏覽器選項支持對可用資源的聯機訪問,而workplace managed client的基於eclipse的體系結構提供了更豐富的用戶體驗,帶有本機桌面客戶機的所有功能,包括離線功能、復制機制和增強的安全性。
  13. The web access : require ssl connection option enables an ssl secure socket layer connection for each web transaction, so all data transmitted between the client and server is encrypted

    Web access : require ssl connection選項啟用每個web事務的ssl (安全套接字層)連接,這樣一來,在客戶機和服務器之間傳輸的所有數據都將被加密。
  14. Depending on platform and client program, this might be a command - line option, an environment variable, or a menu dialog

  15. You might have to include the user option to allow client access to the monitor from the specified account

    您可能需要包括/ user選項,使客戶端可以從指定帳戶訪問監視器。