confucius said 中文意思是什麼

confucius said 解釋
  1. Confucius said : just as bitter medicine cures sickness, so unpalatable advice benefits conduct

  2. Upon seeing confucius, he said, “ you are well - known for your willingness to learn, and that ' s quite beyond me

    見到孔子,他上前施禮道: 「仲尼好學,遐邇聞名,後生可畏,老朽不及。 」
  3. It was confucius who said isn t it great when friends visit from distant places

    孔子曾經說過, 「有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎」 。
  4. By interpreting meng - gua of " book of change " and the educational outlook derived from " what confucius said ", it was observed that the teaching approaches such as inspiration, teaching for all walks of life, teaching students in accordance with aptitude, peer learning, and indefatigable teaching, etc., could be applied to the modern physical education pedagogy

    經分析探討各章節后發現, 《易經》蒙卦和《論語》中孔子的古典教育觀,如啟發式教學、有教無類、因材施教、學習貴乎專心、同儕學習、自我反省、誨人不倦、以身作則,從運動中培養德行等教育思想,均適用於現今體育教學。
  5. Confucius said, " shen cheng is a passionate man. how can he be called a man of absolute uprightness ?

    孔子說: 「申棖這個人多嗜欲,怎麼會是個性剛直的人? 」
  6. Confucius said, " effective and sound orders come from correct name and title, successful ? endings originate from effective and sound orders "

    孔子曰: 「名不正則言不順,言不順則事不成」 ;嚴復曰: 「一名之立,旬月踟躅」 。
  7. Confucius, the ancient chinese outstanding educator and thinker 2550 years ago, said that " everything passed away so quickly no matter it ' s day or night !

    兩千五百五十年前誕生的中國古代傑出的教育家、思想家孔子說過: 「逝者如斯夫!
  8. What ' zi = kong _ zi, confucius said, or also what said in ancient " poems " here was as mentioned as the classical basics in chinese literature

    「子曰詩雲」 : 「子曰」即「夫子說」 ; 「詩雲」即「 《詩經》上說」 。泛指儒家古籍。這里指舊時學塾的初級讀物。
  9. Confucius said, benevolent people must have courage, but courageous people do not necessarily have compassion

  10. When i am reading, my feelings will gallop through the channel of time and space to discuss with confucius o ` r to talk with lu xun ; i will get touch with sahara under the guidance of the book ; i will fly to the most north of the world ? the territory of eskimo. . “ who is in possession of good moralities, will live a happy life and thus survive long, ” said zuo ' s commentary

    在讀書時,我的思緒會隨著書本縱橫古今,好似與孔夫子商討,又像與魯迅談話;我會在書本的牽引下來到撒哈拉沙漠游歷,又會飛到世界的最北端? ?愛斯基摩人的領地去… … 《左傳》說: 「有德則樂,樂則能久。 」
  11. A courageous man will not fear confucius said it clearly and truthfully

  12. As confucius said

  13. Confucius said , “ being firm, resolute, simple and reticent is close to being humane

    孔子說: 「剛強、堅定、質樸、寡言這四種品格接近仁德。 」
  14. Second, by interpreting " what confucius said " in terms of teaching thoughts, we understand confucius ' teaching methodology

  15. 2 ) fact finding is a difficult problem. it may be said that some of the facts could never be clarified even by confucius or aristotle. therefore, it is not enough to solve this problem just by improving the judge ' s ability

    2 、案件事實問題是一個很難的問題,可以說有一些事實是根本弄不清的,不僅法官搞不清,即使是孔子、亞里斯多德在世,他們也不定能搞清。
  16. Confucius said : by magnanimity, they won the hearts of the people ; by good faith, they caused the people to have the confidence in them the office is named after that

    孔子說:寬則得眾,信則民任焉。 ,這也是本所名稱的由來,我們希望能在此紛亂的社會,仍能保持寬厚誠信的態度,堅守專業水準與律師道德。
  17. Confucius said, a gentleman should be righteous at foremost. a superior man would cause confusion if he were courageous but not righteous

  18. China old talent confucius said in “ analects of confucius ” : learning without thought is labor lost ”, which means that a good learner could not only learn knowledge but also think things and master it

    孔子在《論語》當中就曾說: 「學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆」 ,意思是好的學「家」 ,不僅會學,而且還會思考、會領悟。
  19. A china old talent confucius said in “ analects of confucius ” : learning without thought is labor lost ”, which means that a good learner could not only learn knowledge but also think things and master it

    孔子在《論語》當中就曾說: 「學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆」 ,意思是好的學「家」 ,不僅會學,而且還會思考、會領悟。