cormac 中文意思是什麼

cormac 解釋
  1. And there sat with him the high sinhedrim of the twelve tribes of iar, for every tribe one man, of the tribe of patrick and of the tribe of hugh and of the tribe of owen and of the tribe of conn and of the tribe of oscar and of the tribe of fergus and of the tribe of finn and of the tribe of dermot and of the tribe of cormac and of the tribe of kevin and of the tribe of caolte and of the tribe of ossian, there being in all twelve good men and true

  2. After this period, romanesque architecture with its intricate and ornate carved stonework influenced the shape of irish churches, the finest examples being cormac s chapel on the rock of cashel in county tipperary and clonfert cathedral in county galway

    在這個時期之後,有著精緻裝飾石刻工藝的羅馬式建築影響了愛爾蘭教堂的形狀,其中最精美的例子當屬cormac的小教堂(位於tipperary郡的cashel巖上)和clonfert大教堂(在戈爾維郡) 。