creepers 中文意思是什麼

creepers 解釋
  1. It clustered chimneys, its windows smothered in creepers.

  2. The revenge clings to their hearts like the wild creepers here to the tree.

  3. The tree trunks and the creepers that festooned them lost themselves in a green dust thirty feet above him.

  4. Virginia creepers. want to manure the whole place over, scabby soil

  5. They made their way through a jungle woven with creepers and vines

  6. S saw a dim and bluish light, which, as well as the air, entered, not merely by the aperture he had just formed, but by the interstices and crevices of the rock which were visible from without, and through which he could distinguish the blue sky and the waving branches of the evergreen oaks, and the tendrils of the creepers that grew from the rocks

  7. Is a large genus with over 800 species of different forms, including creepers, climbers, shrubs, small and large trees. by prof. c. y

    回頭說ficus ,它是個大屬,包括超過800種不同形態的植物,有匍匐的、攀緣類、灌木、和大小樹木等。