crinoline 中文意思是什麼

crinoline 解釋
n. 名詞 1. 做裙襯的硬毛布[馬鬃布];裙子的襯架;有硬毛布襯(架)的裙子。
2. (軍艦的)水雷防禦網。

  1. More wicked than helping me make that ludicrous crinoline dress

  2. I ' m already regretting the crinoline

  3. Nikolay, in his old ladys crinoline and a hussars cloak belted over it, stood up in the middle of the sledge picking up the reins

  4. To curl her hair, put on a crinoline, and sing songs to attract her husband would have seemed to her as strange as to deck herself up so as to please herself

  5. It, too, was caught and trying to tear itself free, the wind, like absalom. how cold the anemones looked, bobbing their naked white shoulders over crinoline skirts of green

  6. Ellen bloom in pantomime dame s stringed mobcap, crinoline and bustle, widow twankey s blouse with muttonleg sleeves buttoned behind, grey mittens and cameo brooch, her hairplaited in a crisping net, appears over the staircase banisters, a slanted candlestick in her hand and cries out in shrill alarm
