cupful 中文意思是什麼

cupful 解釋
n. 名詞 一滿杯,一杯之量〈約1/2 pint〉。

  1. I drank a large cupful of it. it was good enough that i didn t die from it

  2. But, of the average tinned or glass packed strawberry jam, you need half a cupful to get the idea of what you ' re eating

  3. But, gracious heaven, was i left with but a crust in my wallet and a cupful of water from the well, my god, i would accept of them and find it in my heart to kneel down upon the ground and give thanks to the powers above for the happiness vouchsafed me by the giver of good things

    然而,上天保佑,即使吾行囊中僅有些許餅屑,以及一杯井水,吾亦深感滿足,並甘願跪于地下,為萬寶之賜與者所確保之幸福,向上蒼之神力致謝。 」