darkness 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['dɑ:knis]
darkness 解釋
n. 名詞 1. 黑暗,陰暗。
2. 秘密。
3. 盲目。
4. 蒙昧,無知。
5. 黑心,陰險。
6. 含糊。

  1. The old society was an abyss of darkness.

  2. In the darkness, the machine gun spat a vindictive white light like an acetylene torch.

  3. Next morning when an aide woke him in frigid darkness, a blurry recollection made him shake his aching head.

  4. The shouts of alleluia have broken the silence and the light has dispelled the darkness

  5. He stood naked and alone in darkness.

  6. The origins of the name probably lie in the word kalka which refers to " dirt ", " filth " or " foulness " and hence denotes the " destroyer of foulness ", " destroyer of confusion ", " destroyer of darkness ", or " the annihilator of ignorance "

    這個名字的起源大概是來自卡爾卡,代表「污垢」 , 「污穢」或者「糾纏」 ,從而表示了「糾纏的破壞者」 , 「混亂的破壞者」 , 「黑暗的破壞者」 ,或者「無知的消滅者」 。
  7. How can anyone live in such darkness.

  8. The road which the carriage now traversed was the ancient appian way, and bordered with tombs. from time to time, by the light of the moon, which began to rise, franz imagined that he saw something like a sentinel appear at various points among the ruins, and suddenly retreat into the darkness on a signal from peppino

  9. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.

  10. I saw a figure approaching in the darkness.

  11. The arctic circle is the boundary of this region of darkness.

  12. The darkness upon earth has come from four main sources, the pleiades, sirius, orion and arcturus

  13. She got up without lighting the lamp, felt around in the armoire for an archaic revolver that no one had fired since the war of a thousand days, and located in the darkness not only the place where the door was but also the exact height of the lock

  14. The lion was a monster sphinx which was astray like them in that gulf of darkness.

  15. Though we have been spitted by the god, we will still always wander among the darkness with our athanasy and imperishable body bearing the curse, always hold high our heads, and hold the arrogence of us

  16. The fall or autumnal equinox marks equal hours of light and darkness, but particularly it is a time for appreciating and giving thanks for the fruits of our gardens and labors in life - at home, school or work

    秋天或秋分的分界就是祈禱文中相對的光明與黑暗,但在這特別的贊賞和感恩時刻(如:庭院中的果實成熟、努力的工作生活、在家中、學校甚至是工作之際) 。
  17. The religious system founded in persia by zoroaster and set forth in the zend - avesta, teaching the worship of ormazd in the context of a universal struggle between the forces of light and of darkness

  18. The sun enveloped itself in awful darkness.

  19. There will be barbaric darkness for a thousand years.

  20. Just before dinner, basil nipped out for a pee in a darkness full of animals.
