daytona 中文意思是什麼

daytona 解釋
  1. " we ' re extremely proud of what he ' s accomplished and that he ' s still a part of the daytona beach community, " cantley said

    坎特利提及卡特道: 「我們為他的成就而感到無比自豪,他至今仍是代頓海岸社區的一分子。 」
  2. Daytona beach - - vince carter isn ' t showing any gray in the beard he ' s growing

    來自佛羅里達代頓海岸- -文斯?卡特正在留的絡腮胡絲毫沒有花白的跡象。
  3. The nascar season is about to get under way with the 49th running of the daytona 500

    全國汽車比賽協會舉辦的第49屆戴托那- 500汽車比賽即將舉行。
  4. Both carter, a mainland high school graduate who plays for the new jersey nets, and his mom, who lives in daytona beach, said they ' ve seen not only in their own family, but with friends, celebrities and athletes how substance abuse " negatively affects their lives and the people around them

    畢業于大陸高中、目前為新澤西網隊效力的卡特和他現居代頓海岸的母親均表示,通過自己家庭的遭遇,加上一些朋友、名流和運動員的事例,他們清醒地認識到濫用藥物怎樣「給這些人以及周圍親友的生活帶來了負面影響」 。
  5. Daytona beach, fla., jan. 11 ? after years of expanding its presence in the united states and beyond, the toyota motor company of japan recently issued a 2007 forecast that would make it first in global sales, ahead of general motors

  6. Daytona beach, fl

  7. Daytona beach - - standing side by side, nba star vince carter and his mom spoke passionately about donating more than a million dollars to the community for something that has affected their family and friends

    代頓海岸消息? ? nba球星文斯?卡特和母親並肩站在一起,熱烈講述他們此次向社區捐贈一百多萬美元的理由,是因為它深深關系著自己的家人和朋友。
  8. As for stag - nights in prague and student spring breaks in jamaica ? well, the gangs of drunken revellers probably wouldn ' t notice if they were in blackpool or daytona beach instead, as indeed many were a decade ago

    至於在布拉格舉行的男子聚會以及在牙買加歡度的春假? ?的確,這一夥又一夥縱欲暢飲、狂歡作樂者不會在意自己是否正身處黑澤還是代頓海灘,而在十年前確實有許多人在那裡這樣做。
  9. [ ray ] i can ' t believe trip murphy won daytona

  10. Ray i can ' t believe trip murphy won daytona

  11. After visiting the red cross hq in central florida, we prepared more basic necessities and visited the salvation army hq at daytona on july 11, as per master s telephone instruction to continue helping and comforting the victims
