dec december 中文意思是什麼

dec december 解釋
  1. Born on 29th of dec. 1955 at pinghu city of zhejiang province, graduated from huangguqie middle school at pinghu city on june 1969. at the same year, went to inner mongolia production construction corps. at december 1976, graduated from xian transportation university, afterwards went to xian mechanical university and los angeles university of usa for short time further study

    1955年12月29日生,浙江平湖人, 1969年6月平湖黃姑中學畢業,同年赴內蒙古生產建設兵團, 1976年12月畢業于西安交通大學,后在上海機械學院美國舊金山州立大學短期進修, 1997至1999年在四川大學管理學研究生班在職學習。
  2. New york ( reuters health ) dec 22 - a reticular pattern of erythema of the palms is more common among patients with skin atopy, according to a report in the december issue of allergy

    紐約(路透社健康欄目) 12月22日消息,據《過敏癥》雜志報道,掌部網狀紅斑常見于特應性皮炎患者。
  3. New york ( reuters health ) dec 19 - lactobacilli transformed to carry heavy - chain antibody fragments appear to protect against rotavirus infection, swedish investigators report in the december 1st issue of the journal of infectious diseases

    紐約(路透社健康版) 12月19日瑞典研究人員首次在12月傳染病雜志上發表報告稱:經改造攜帶重鏈抗體片斷的乳酸菌有抗輪狀病毒感染的作用。
  4. Dec. 17, 1953 may beans declined to 295 - 3 / 4 and made bottom, then advanced to 310 around the high of december 1953

    1953年12月17日五月黃豆跌至295 . 75並形成底部,然後又上揚到310 ,在1953年12月的頂部盤整。
  5. Lisbon, portugal, 01 dec ? portugal ' s financial investment in brazil increased significantly in december, in contrast to investments in portuguese - speaking africa, according to the latest figures from the bank of portugal

  6. New york ( reuters health ) dec 22 - positron emission tomography ( pet ) following infusion of [ 18f ] fluorodeoxyglucose ( fdg ) is an effective means of predicting response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer, french researchers report in the december 1st issue of the journal of clinical oncology

    紐約(路透社健康) 12月22日- 《臨床腫瘤學》雜志12月第1期上法國研究人員報道,對乳腺癌患者新輔助化療腫瘤的反應進行預測,正電子發射斷層攝影( pet )輸注[ 18f ]氟脫氧葡萄糖( fdg )是一種有效手段。
  7. New york ( reuters health ) dec 26 - youth offers patients with rheumatoid arthritis ( ra ) little in the way of protection against adverse cardiovascular events, researchers report in the december issue of annals of the rheumatic diseases

    紐約(路透社健康版) 12月26日- 12月刊《風濕病年鑒》刊載的一項最新研究顯示,類風濕關節炎( ra )的年輕患者易患心血管並發癥。
  8. New york ( reuters health ) dec 21 - ambulation as early as one hour after cardiac catheterization is safe, according to a report in the december mayo clinic proceedings

    紐約(路透社健康專欄) 12月21日? 12月刊《梅奧臨床學報》的一份研究報告指出,心導管術后1小時下床活動是安全的。
  9. New york ( reuters health ) dec 20 - rapid viral testing for influenza a and b in febrile infants spares them additional testing in the emergency room, according to a report in the december issue of the pediatric infectious disease journal
