dixon 中文意思是什麼

dixon 解釋
n. 名詞 狄克遜〈姓氏〉。

  1. And there came against the place as they stood a young learning knight yclept dixon

  2. Now let us speak of that fellowship that was there to the intent to be drunken an they might. there was a sort of scholars along either side the board, that is to wit, dixon yclept junior of saint mary merciable s with other his fellows lynch and madden, scholars of medicine, and the franklin that high

    桌子兩側就坐者為:仁慈聖母瑪利亞醫院二年級學生迪克森,其夥伴醫科學生林奇和馬登21 ,鄉紳利內翰阿爾巴隆加出身之克羅瑟斯22 ,以及青年斯蒂芬。
  3. Dixon's father is a car dealer.

  4. Mr. dixon senior is often in the hotel.

  5. Dixon gave a sad, nostalgic smile.

  6. Dixon gave a quite professional laugh.

  7. Dixon scowled, then shrugged.

  8. He gave dixon a mutinous glare.

  9. Don't let this out, will you, dixon.

  10. Dixon flung himself up the staircase.

  11. Dixon started insincerely.

  12. A sudden douche of terror then squirted itself all over dixon.

  13. Dixon thought, each must enjoy himself as and when he can.

  14. Despite this over-evident contrast between them, dixon realized that their progress, deliberate and to all appearances thoughtful, must seem rather donnish to passing students.

  15. Based on the eyewitness account from agent dixon,

  16. His project meanwhile was very favourably entertained by his auditors and won hearty eulogies from all though mr dixon of mary s excepted to it, asking with a finicking air did he purpose also to carry coals to newcastle

  17. What for that, says mr dixon, but before he came over farmer nicholas that was a eunuch had him properly gelded by a college of doctors, who were no better off than himself

  18. Known heretofore as the dixon farm

  19. Well met they were, said master dixon, joyed, but, harkee, young sir, better were they named beau mount and lecher for, by my truth, of such a mingling much might come

    「彼等二人幸得相會矣, 」迪克森君喜曰, 「然而,年輕的先生,且聽吾言,彼等毋寧改稱博蒙特與萊徹。
  20. But one evening, says mr dixon, when the lord harry was cleaning his royal pelt to go to dinner after winning a boatrace he had spade oars for himself but the first rule of the course was that the others were to row with pitchforks he discovered in himself a wonderful likeness to a bull and on picking up a blackthumbed chapbook that he kept in the pantry he found sure enough that he was a lefthanded descendant of the famous champion bull of the romans, bos bovum, which is good bog latin for boss of the show

    「然某日傍晚, 」迪克森先生曰, 「哈利王于劃船比賽中獲得冠軍彼使用鍬型槳子,惟依比賽規章第一條,其他選手均用草耙劃船,為了赴晚宴,彼正修整高貴之皮膚138時,發現自己酷似公牛。遂翻閱藏於餐具室手垢斑斑之小冊子139 ,查明自己確系羅馬人通稱為「牛中之牛」 140那頭著名鬥牛141旁系之後裔。