do 中文意思是什麼

音標 [dəu]
do 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 (did done 陳述語氣第三人稱單數現在式 does )1. 行,為,作,做,辦,干;盡(義務等),竭(力),擔任,從事。
do one's work 干工作。
do odd jobs 干雜活,打零工。
do business 做買賣。
do washing 洗東西。
Who has done it 這是誰乾的? do the host 做主人,當東。
do one's duty 盡義務。
crimes done deliberately 蓄意犯罪。
do a good deed 行善,做好事。
do penance 懺悔。
do one's best = do the best one can 竭盡所能。
do one's worst 搗亂。
What can I do for you 有什麼事嗎? 我能幫你幹什麼嗎? (店員招呼顧客)要買什麼嗎? I have much to do to pay my monthly bills. 我應付每月的開支不是容易的。
2. 完成,做完。
I have done reading. 我已經看完書了。
You have done it very well. 你做得很好。
Now you've done it. 〈俚語〉這可糟了! 可被你搞壞了! But it was done now, and it could not be helped. 生米已成熟飯,沒有辦法了。
3. 給與;帶來,產生;加以,使蒙受。
Too much exercise will do you harm. 運動過度可能有害。
Such a book does credit to the writer. 這樣的書給作者帶來聲譽。
Will you do me a favor 能幫個忙嗎? It doesn't do any good. 這不會有什麼好處。
do homage to 對…表敬意。
do sb. justice 為某人說公平話;不虧待某人。
4. 處理;修理;收拾(房間等);洗;整(容);預備(功課);解答(問題)。
do the dishes 洗碗碟。
do one's face 整容,化妝。
do the flowers 把花擺設好。
do one's hair 梳頭發,做頭發。
do the room [kitchen]收拾房間[廚房]。
do one's homework 做作業,做功課。
do English 學英語,做英語作業。
5. 翻譯;改寫;創作;抄,謄寫。
do a Latin passage into Chinese 把一段拉丁文譯成中文。
do a poem into prose 把詩改寫成散文。
She does oil portraits. 她創作油畫肖像。
I have to do ten copies 我得抄十份。
6. 訪問,游覽,參觀,逛。
They did London in five days. 他們花五天時間游覽倫敦。
do the sights游覽名勝。
7. 適合,對…合宜,對…夠用。
That would do me very well. 那對我很適合,那好極啦。
Ten dollars will do me. 十美元就夠我用了。
Will this chair do you 這椅子行嗎? 8. 走過,跑過,跋涉。
He did 20 miles a day on foot. 他一天走了二十英里。
9. 扮演;上演;〈口語〉裝出〈一般接 the + 形容詞〉。
do Hamlet 扮演哈姆雷特。
We did Othello 我們演出《奧賽羅》。
do the amiable 裝得和藹可親的樣子。
do the big 充好漢。
10. 煮,煎,燒。
do the meat thoroughly 把肉煮透。
steak done to a turn 牛排煎得很好。
11. 〈俚語〉欺騙;打敗。
I'm afraid (that) you've been done. 我恐怕你已經受騙了。
be done for $ 500 at poker 賭牌時被騙去500元。
That does me. 那要叫我認輸了。
12. 〈俚語〉待,對待;招待,款待。
do sb. well 優待某人;款待某人。
「I will do you next, please wait a minute. 」 「請稍等一下,接著就輪到你了。
」 〈理發師對顧客說的話〉。
do oneself well [proud] 生活闊綽,養尊處優。
13. 〈口語〉使疲勞。
The long journey has done him. 長途旅行使他疲勞不堪。
14. 〈口語〉處置;〈口語〉殺死。
If you stir, I will do you. 〈俚語〉 你要是動,我就干[殺]掉你。
15. 〈口語〉服(刑);做滿(任期)。
do five years for forgery 因犯偽造罪服刑5年。
do a year as chairman of the club 任俱樂部主席一年。
16. 為(小說等)寫評論。
vi. 不及物動詞 1. 做,行動,工作;進行;行事,表現。
Let us be up and do-ing. 打起精神來工作吧! do like a gentleman 做事正派。
When at [in] Rome, do as the Romans do. 入鄉隨俗。
He is doing very well at the Bar. 他在律師界乾的不錯。
How shall we do for the great cost 我們怎麼應付得了如此龐大的開支! do without an automobile 在沒有汽車的情況下湊合著干。
2. 〈口語〉發生。
There is nothing doing!沒有發生什麼事。
What's do-ing at the office 辦公室里出什麼事了? 3. 行,可以,適合,合用(for) 夠了。
This will never do. 這不中用,這個不行。
Any time will do. 什麼時候都行。
This sum will do for the present. 這筆錢暫時夠用了。
It would never do to neglect official obligations. 玩忽職守是絕對不行的。
That will do. 那就好了,夠了。
These shoes won't do for mountaineering. 這些鞋子不適合爬山。
4. (植物等)生長,(健康等)進展。
Mother and child are doing fine. 母親和孩子的身體都很好。
Flax does well after wheat. 收過小麥以後,亞麻長得不錯。
5. 辦完,結束。
Use a book as a bee does (= uses) flowers. 像蜜蜂利用花一樣地利用書吧。
Did you see him Yes, I did (= saw him). 你看見他了嗎?嗯,看見了。
So do I. 我也是,我也如此 (You smoke sometimes, so do I. 你有時吸煙,我也如此)。
So I do. 是的,不錯 (You smoke sometimes. - So I do. 你有時吸煙吧。
1. 〈構成疑問句〉。
Do you go 你去嗎? Did you go 你去了嗎? 2. 〈與 not 連用構成否定句〉。
I did not [didn't] go. 我沒有去。
I do not [don't] know. 我不知道。
3. 〈用於加強語氣和倒裝語序的句中〉。
I do think so. 我的確是這樣想的。
He did come. 他的確來過了。
Well do I remember it. 那我是記得一清二楚。
Never did I see such a thing. 我從來沒有見過那樣一種東西。
4. 〈命令和勸告〉。
Do not [don't] tell a lie. 莫撒謊。
Do come. 請一定來。
Do be quiet. 務請肅靜!n. 名詞 (pl. dos, do's )1. 要求做到的事。
2. 〈俚語〉騙局,欺騙。
3. 〈英口〉宴會;慶祝會。
4. 〈英軍俚〉交戰。
5. 〈罕用語〉 〈pl. 〉 處置;行動;〈英方〉騷動。
6. 成功。
7. 〈 pl. 〉分配。
It's all a do. 這全是欺騙。
It was a tricky do. 這是一個狡猾的騙局。
We've got a do tonight. 家裡今晚請客。
make a do of it 獲得成功。
Fair do's! 公平分配! do one's do 做能做的事。
dos and don'ts 善惡好歹;注意事項;習慣;規章制度 (Observe the following dos and don'ts. 請遵守下列注意事項)。
n. 名詞 【音樂】(全音階的)第一音, do 音。

  1. Universities do not observe this rule will be blacklisted by the american association of university professors aaup. )

    不遵守這「七年試用期」的學校會被列入美國大學教授聯合會的黑名單。 )
  2. Some people use an abacus to do accounting

  3. What do you mean ? - abby, what did you do

    你什麼意思? -艾比,你到底做了什麼?
  4. - what do you mean ? - abby, what did you do

    -你什麼意思? -艾比,你到底做了什麼?
  5. Now i ' m free to do another interview with abbott larkin

    這下我可以去做另一個阿爾伯特& # 8226 ;拉金的專訪了。
  6. Do you know the reason of king edward the 8th ' s abdication

  7. He had to content himself with expressing his government's abhorrence of japanese aggression while he knew that he could do nothing to bring the japanese to book.

  8. I said, what ' d you do with abigail and riley

  9. Whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.

  10. I shall do what i can insofar as i am able.

  11. We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long.

  12. What do you know abo that device ? why was he in it

  13. Do you really mean to turn our home into an abomination

  14. Do you really mean to turn our home into an abomination.

    你真的想把我們的家變成怪獸. .
  15. To do so, the organism must be rubbed into abraded skin, swallowed, or inhaled as a fine, aerosolized mist

  16. Do not abreact the individual ' s mood to go up to the client body of the company, even if be, be in the phone

  17. When the person that envy encounters setback and difficulty, the most crucial it is to should establish confidence, do not use envy people will abreact oneself, and the place that should check oneself to be not worth, such your ability draw a lesson in will work henceforth, innovation gives admirable result

  18. Do n't cycle abreast.

  19. For conifers which do not form an abscission layer at the base of the cone, shakers have been partially or completely unsuccessful.

  20. Absolve me, father. i didn ' t mean to do it
