drowsily 中文意思是什麼

drowsily 解釋
  1. " never mind, jimmy, " said his father drowsily, " black cats are lucky.

    他的父親懶洋洋得說: 「沒關系,吉米,黑貓是幸運貓呢。 」
  2. As we promised, to face the world drowsily in our most languid positions

  3. But the dance was languishing, and the ladies were chatting drowsily together in the corners of sofas

  4. His heavy glance, drowsily roaming about, kind of defied their further questions even should they by any chance want to

  5. I began to nod drowsily over the dim page : my eye wandered from manuscript to print, i saw a red ornamented title - seventy times seven, and the first of the seventy - first

  6. Linton looked at me, but did not answer ; and, after keeping her seat by his side another ten minutes, during which his head fell drowsily on his breast, and he uttered nothing except suppressed moans of exhaustion or pain, cathy began to seek solace in looking for bilberries, and sharing the produce of her researches with me : she did not offer them to him, for she saw further notice would only weary and annoy
