drums 中文意思是什麼

drums 解釋
  1. They danced to the accompaniment of cymbals and drums

  2. With the use of rapid and passionate running passages and the combination of suona, gongs and drums, the composer seeks to paint a vivid picture of the festive scene. the middle section is a great contrast, being a movement in adagio cantabile, the image of a prosperous and peaceful age

  3. Mcadoo's strongest rival was the attorney general a. mitchell palmer, who was still beating drums for americanism.

  4. In every metal style, from pop - metal to thrash, bombast is the key - from the drums to the guitars, it ' s about being as loud as possible

  5. The instruments they play are the most popular and used in all these celtic countries, as well as other instruments from all around the world : from traditional multidrone asturian bagpipes, to irish flutes, asturian hand percussions, or the accordion, but also the acoustic guitars, bouzouki, bass guitar, voices and drums

    他們所使用的樂器既有來自那些凱爾特國家最流行、使用范圍最廣的的樂器,如傳統的阿斯圖里亞斯風笛(多低音) ,愛爾蘭長笛,阿斯圖里亞斯手鼓和手風琴,又有哪些來自於世界各地的其他樂器,如吉他,希臘曼陀琳(一種琴) ,貝斯,混音器和架子鼓。
  6. Power transmission engineering ; brake drums, main dimensions

  7. Power transmission engineering ; brake drums and brake discs ; technical terms of delivery

  8. Cardioid is directional on one side only, and is typically used for drums

  9. The drums sounded the advance, the redcoats moved forward, the clans were beaten back.

  10. Drums and gongs were beating boisterously.

  11. The saxophonist doubles on drums.

  12. We heard the drums beating.

  13. He wants a fallacy to expose, a blunder to pillory, requires a little sense of victory, a roll of the drums, to call his powers into full exercise.

  14. Perhaps on some quiet night came the tremor of far-off drums, sinking, swelling, a tremor vast, faint.

  15. My child ' s innocence melts into my grandparent ' s favouritism to you. in the sound of gongs and drums for celebrating rich harvest, you radiate ex - traordinary splendour of youth

  16. The streets were all decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the place reechoed with the sound of gongs and drums.

  17. And there rises a shining palace whose crystal glittering roof is seen by mariners who traverse the extensive sea in barks built expressly for that purpose and thither come all herds and fatlings and first fruits of that land for o connell fitzsimon takes toll of them, a chieftain descended from chieftains. thither the extremely large wains bring foison of the fields, flaskets of cauliflowers, floats of spinach, pineapple chunks, rangoon beans, strikes of tomatoes, drums of figs, drills of swedes, spherical potatoes and tallies of iridescent kale, york and savoy, and trays of onions, pearls of the earth, and punnets of mushrooms and custard marrows and fat vetches and bere and rape and red green yellow brown russet sweet big bitter ripe pomellated apples and chips of strawberries and sieves of gooseberries, pulpy and pelurious, and strawberries fit for princes and raspberries from their canes

    用一輛輛巨大的敞篷馬車載來的是田裡豐饒的收獲:裝在淺筐中的花椰菜成車的菠菜,大塊頭的菠蘿,仰光豆23 ,多少斯揣克24西紅柿,盛在一隻只圓桶里的無花果,條播的瑞典蕪菁,球形土豆,好幾捆約克種以及薩沃伊種彩虹色羽衣甘蘭,還有盛在一隻只淺箱里的大地之珍珠25 -蔥頭此外就是一扁籃一扁籃的蘑菇乳黃色食用葫蘆飽滿的大巢萊大麥和苔苔,紅綠黃褐朽葉色的又甜又大又苦又熟又有斑點的蘋果,裝在一隻只薄木匣里的楊梅,一粗筐一粗筐的醋栗。
  18. From the belfries far and near the funereal deathbell tolled unceasingly while all around the gloomy precincts rolled the ominous warning of a hundred muffled drums punctuated by the hollow booming of pieces of ordnance

  19. In indonesia, gamelan orchestras play music on gongs, drums, and xylophones

  20. The bells and drums in the gate tower were sounded to accompany important ceremonies presided over by the emperor
