drunken revelry 中文意思是什麼

drunken revelry 解釋
  • drunken : adj. 1. 〈多作修飾語〉酒醉的;常醉的;愛喝酒的。2. 酒醉引起的。3. 像喝醉酒似的,搖搖晃晃的。adv. -ly 醉。n. -ness 1. 酩酊;醉態。2. 放蕩,放縱。
  • revelry : n. 縱酒狂歡,宴飲作樂;歡宴。
  1. It seems sounds of drunken revelry

  2. Based on the lives of the " seven sages of the bamboo grove, " a legendary group of poets, musicians, and philosophers who masked their often rebellious views behind poetic freedom and drunken revelry, this work is about resistance, executions, music, nature, and above all, wine

    創作靈感乃源於魏晉時期220 - 420 "竹林七賢"的生平與著作。這群極富傳奇色彩的詩人音樂家及思想家,將他們往往離經叛道的思想,喬裝為不羈的詩作與放蕩的痛飲。一闕有關對抗處決音樂自然,還有酒的史詩
  3. There is nothing like love trouble to foster a quick bond and the women become close friends. however, during an evening of drunken revelry, miki discloses by accident that she is the other woman of michele s husband

    在法國南部遇上miki ,率性的miki讓michele感染朝氣,結伴遊玩令二人加深了解, miki吐露自己戀上有婦之夫,旅行原也為了逃避感情, miki的身份卻深深刺痛了michele 。