duyu 中文意思是什麼

duyu 解釋
  1. Bronzes unearthed at zhuwa street vs. shu state of duyu

  2. The spring and autumn annals originally recorded the history of lu and by ways of events explaination, zuozhuan set the example for annals. duyu ’ s accurate annotations of the spring and autumn annals contributed greatly to the science of history. particularly, the theory of “ classical stydies from original history events ” and his annotions of names of persons and places

    《春秋》本是魯國舊史, 《左傳》以事解《春秋》成為編年史的典範,杜預對《春秋》經傳的準確註解,為歷史學作出了重大貢獻,特別是「經承舊史」說以及對人名、地名的注釋,對後世史學產生了極為深遠的影響。
  3. All of these laid a solid foundation for duyu ’ s success in wring the annotation of classics and elucidations in “ spring and autumn annals ”. the focus of the dispute between the studies of classical style and those in contemporary style in han dynasty was whether zuo zhuan gave explanations for the spring and autumn annals. based on literay studies in classical styles, duyu constructed the imparting system of zuozhuan, built the theory of zhengli and bianli and formed the complete system of zuo ’ s studies on the spring and autumn annals, which in real sense, turned zuozhuan into studies on the spring and autumn annals. therefore, duzhu marked a milestone in the history of studies on the spring and autumn annals

    漢代今古文之爭的焦點是《左傳》傳不傳《春秋》 ,杜預在古文學派的基礎上,構建了《左傳》的傳授系統,創立了正例、變例說,形成了完整的《春秋》左氏學體系,使《左氏春秋》從真正意義上完成了向《春秋》學的轉變;杜注也由此成為《春秋》學史上的里程碑式的著作。
  4. It was found that the development of shu was in a continuum, from cancong, baiguan, yufu to duyu

  5. At the end of shang dynasty and the beginning of zhou dynasty, the ancient shu entered the duyu dynasty

  6. Duyu came of a family of scholars on the study of confucian classics and had been deeply nurtured in traditional chinese culture. he commanded the campaign against wu ( during the three kingdoms ), in which he showed great military abilities. he also knew the geography of the world well
