earning estimates 中文意思是什麼

earning estimates 解釋
  1. There are more than 400 diploma mills and 300 counterfeit diploma web sites, and business is thriving amid a lackluster 10 economy ? doubling in the past five years to more than $ 500 million annually, according to estimates kept by john bear author of bears ' guide to earning degrees by distance learning

    據《貝爾指南? ?如何通過遠程教育而獲得學位》的作者約朝翰?貝爾估計,美國現有400多家「文憑作坊」和300多家假文憑網站;經濟衰退期間,這一行可謂生意興隆? ?過去5年裡,其年收入翻了一番,達5億多美元。