edmontosaurus 中文意思是什麼

edmontosaurus 解釋
  1. Many hadrosaurs in other parts of the world had head ornamentations, or crests, but edmontosaurus did not

    世界上其他地方有許多鴨嘴龍長了頭部裝飾物(或稱頭冠) ,但是愛德蒙脫龍沒有。
  2. Weighing in at between 3, 000 and 4, 000 pounds, edmontosaurus ranks among the largest of the hadrosaurs found in north america

    愛德蒙脫龍的體重介於1360 ~ 1810公斤之間,可列入北美洲最巨大的鴨嘴龍之林。
  3. Like other hadrosaurs, edmontosaurus were social animals that gathered in herds, as evinced by their bones, which have been found in piles at various places in northern alaska as though groups of them had died in a flash flood

    愛德蒙脫龍和其他種類的鴨嘴龍都是社會性動物,常常聚集成群,這一點由骨頭可以看出, ?們的骨頭在阿拉斯加北部許多地方都是成堆出現;一般認為, ?們是因突如其來的洪水而成群死亡。