engraved 中文意思是什麼

engraved 解釋
  1. Key engraved with alt on most mac keyboards

    按鍵上在大多數mac鍵盤上標明alt 。
  2. All around, there were monuments carved with armorial bearings ; and on this simple slab of slate - as the curious investigator may still discern, and perplex himself with the purport - there appeared the semblance of an engraved escutcheon

  3. Two stained glass windows in the ballroom were engraved with quotation from shakespeare.

  4. I hope you don ' t m i nd, but i took the i i berty of havi ng it engraved. @ disco

  5. As she said this, she came upon a neat little house, on the door of which was a bright brass plate with the name w. rabbit engraved upon it

    她說著到了一幢整潔的小房子前,門上掛著一塊明亮的黃銅小牌子,刻著「白兔先生」 。
  6. Capricorn showers their coworkers with engraved pens

  7. The cigarette case was engraved with his initials

  8. His initials were engraved on the cigarette case

  9. The dial is made by copperplate hand sculpture technique, which completely demonstrates its complicated craftsmanship and high value. the verve of royal rodin is permanently engraved in the metal dial

  10. They made the plate, the sacred diadem, out of pure gold and engraved on it, like an inscription on a seal : holy to the lord

    30他用精金作聖冠上的牌,在上面按刻圖書之法,刻著『歸耶和華為聖』 。
  11. The donor engraved the following inscription upon it.

  12. Every detail of that day is engraved on my soul.

  13. The shining image of premier zhou enlai is indelibly engraved on the memory of the people.

  14. The shapes and engraved decorations of these pieces are typical of medieval islamic glassware.

  15. "molly was engraved inside johnnie's ring and on his watch-case-doubtless on his heart, too. "

  16. The engraver engraved a name on a plate

  17. Easy to use restorationsoftware removes crackles and noises professionally in real time whether your favorite hits are engraved in vinyl or your precious recordings are on tape : with ease and speed, the phono preamp studio usb can eternalize your lp, single or cassette recordings to your pc, for example so that you can burn them to cds

    Terratec針對愛好黑膠唱片的用戶推出了phono preamp studio usb ,它可算是一款完美結合了硬體與軟體的產品,它的體積雖小,但phono preamp studio usb可讓您在計算機上編修唱片及卡帶上的音樂,並讓它們存在cd上永久保存,這一切過程完全不需要任何聲卡,只需透過usb介面。
  18. The rest of the furniture of this privileged apartment consisted of old cabinets, filled with chinese porcelain and japanese vases, lucca della robbia faience, and palissy platters ; of old arm - chairs, in which perhaps had sat henry iv or sully, louis xiii or richelieu - for two of these arm - chairs, adorned with a carved shield, on which were engraved the fleur - de - lis of france on an azure field evidently came from the louvre, or, at least, some royal residence. over these dark and sombre chairs were thrown splendid stuffs, dyed beneath persia s sun, or woven by the fingers of the women of calcutta or of chandernagor

  19. They mounted the onyx stones in gold filigree settings and engraved them like a seal with the names of the sons of israel

  20. They made the onyx stones, set in gold filigree settings ; they were engraved like the engravings of a signet, according to the names of the sons of israel

    出39 : 6又琢出兩塊紅瑪瑙、鑲在金槽上、彷佛刻圖書、按著以色列兒子的名字雕刻。