famish 中文意思是什麼

famish 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 使餓,使饑餓;〈古語〉使餓死〈多用被動語態〉。
be famished for food 缺糧挨餓,斷炊。
be famished to death 餓死。
I'm famishing. 〈俚語〉我餓壞了。
a famishing wind 冷得要命的風。
vi. 不及物動詞 餓,挨餓;〈古語〉餓死。

  1. But all these things, with an account how 300 caribbees came and invaded them, and ruin d their plantations, and how they fought with that whole number twice, and were at first defeated, and three of them kill d ; but at last a storm destroying their enemies cannoes, they famish d or destroy d almost all the rest, and renew d and recover d the possession of their plantation, and still liv d upon the island
