flanagan ralph 中文意思是什麼

flanagan ralph 解釋
  1. They were mr fogg s usual partners at whist : andrew stuart, an engineer ; john sullivan and samuel fallentin, bankers ; thomas flanagan, a brewer ; and gauthier ralph, one of the directors of the bank of england ; - all rich and highly respectable personages, even in a club which comprises the princes of english trade and finance

  2. The five antagonists of phileas fogg had met in the great saloon of the club. john sullivan and samuel fallentin, the bankers, andrew stuart, the engineer, gauthier ralph, the director of the bank of england, and thomas flanagan, the brewer, one and all waited anxiously

  3. Seventeen minutes to nine, said thomas flanagan, as he cut the cards which ralph handed to him. then there was a moment of silence

    「八點四十三分了, 」多瑪斯弗拉納剛說著,一面倒了一下高傑弱夫洗過的牌。