foucarmont 中文意思是什麼

foucarmont 解釋
  1. In the meantime foucarmont was diligently attacking the liqueurs. he continued to gaze sneeringly at labordette, who was drinking his coffee in the midst of the ladies

  2. Shouted foucarmont, who thought it exceedingly witty thus to disfigure the young man s name ad infinitum

  3. Then, just as last night, they passed on to a discussion on music, after which, foucarmont having let slip some mention of the assumption of the veil of which paris was still talking, nana grew quite interested and insisted on details about mlle de fougeray

  4. " why, in havana, " resumed foucarmont, " they make a spirit with a certain wild berry ; you think you re swallowing fire ! well now, one evening i drank more than a liter of it, and it didn t hurt me one bit

    「聽我說, 」富卡蒙又說道, 「在哈瓦那,人們用野漿果釀造燒酒喝那種酒就像吞火似的可是,一天晚上,我喝下一立升多,卻一點反應也沒有還有比這更厲害的酒哩!
  5. And he called to foucarmont

  6. " you are too much of a skeptic, foucarmont ; you ll spoil all your pleasures that way.

    「你是個十足的懷疑派,富卡蒙這樣,你就破壞了你的樂趣。 」
  7. Then foucarmont, being now in his witty vein, attacked labordette right at the other end of the table

  8. Fauchery was at length about to state his reasons when vandeuvres came back to tell him : " it appears it isn t a girl of foucarmont s

  9. " as far as i m concerned, " said foucarmont, " i ve drunk every imaginable kind of wine in all the four quarters of the globe

    「我嗎! 」富卡蒙說, 「世界五大洲的什麼樣的酒我都喝過哦!
  10. But all the same i ve pressed foucarmont into the service, and he s going to try to get louise from the palais - royal.

    不管怎麼說,我已經抓住了富卡蒙。他總得設法把路易絲從王宮劇院里帶來。 」
  11. Foucarmont bowed and seemed very much at ease, for he added : " and i took leave to bring one of my friends with me.

    富卡蒙落落大方地向大家施了禮,接著旺德夫爾的話說道: 「我又冒昧地帶來我的一位朋友。 」
  12. " this gentleman, my dear, " said vandeuvres, " is a friend of mine, a naval officer, monsieur de foucarmont by name. i invited him.

    「親愛的, 」旺德夫爾說, 「這位是富卡蒙先生,他是海軍軍官,我的朋友,是我邀請他來的。 」
  13. " wait a bit, " he continued, " the other day i met foucarmont with a charming blonde. i ll go and tell him to bring her.

    「等一會兒, 」他又說道,前幾天我碰到富卡蒙與一個迷人的金發女郎在一起,我去跟他說說,讓他把她帶來。 」