fusspot 中文意思是什麼

fusspot 解釋
fusspot =fussbudget.
  1. Don ' t worry, i ' m an old fusspot

  2. 9. he ' s as finicky as a cat. 10. she ' s the world ' s number one fusspot. 11. he ' s such an anal retentive person. 12. men don ' t like women who nag. 13. he ' s penny - wise and pound - foolish

    9 .他像貓那麼挑食. 10 .她是全世界最吹毛求疵的女人. 11 .他過分拘泥小節. 12 .男人討厭喋喋不休的女人. 13 .他小處精明而大處糊塗