galapagos islands 中文意思是什麼

galapagos islands 解釋
  1. The third used an anatomical technique ? the dimensions of the mouthparts ? that is also applied to the finches of the galapagos islands which, tradition has it, set darwin thinking about the species problem in the first place

    第三種方式使用了一種解剖學技術? ?根據口器的尺寸,這種方式也曾被用於加拉帕哥斯群島的雀類,傳統觀點認為正是這種分類使得達爾文首先考慮物種問題。
  2. The galapagos islands, located 625 miles off ecuador ' s pacific coast, were declared a unesco world heritage site in 1979 for their exotic wildlife such as marine iguanas and blue - footed boobies

    加拉帕戈斯群島位於厄瓜多西部的太平洋中,以擁有鬣蜥巨龜等珍奇動植物而聞名,並被稱為「活的生物進化博物館」 。
  3. Their adventures involved swapping school dinners for donkey stew and guinea pig lasagne, staying in amazo - nian huts surrounded by tarantulas and leeches, and watching whales and tortoises in the galapagos islands

  4. The eruption of a volcano on the largest of the galapagos islands is not a threat to villagers or to the remote archipelago ' s unique flora and fauna, including the famed giant tortoises, officials said monday

  5. The galapagos islands are paradise to cruise ships large and small filled with outdoor adventurers, animal enthusiasts, bird watchers, swimmers, snorkelers4, hikers and nature lovers

  6. A visit to the galapagos islands might also satisfy an ecologically - minded person like yourself

  7. But some live near warm waters in the galapagos islands, near the coast of ecuador

  8. - it ' s the galapagos islands ! - the galapagos islands

    -這是加拉帕哥斯群島! -加拉帕哥斯群島!
  9. One is the galapagos islands, where, largely unspoiled by man, strange and unusual birds, animals and plants settle and grow ? many of which are found nowhere else in the world

  10. It ' s the galapagos islands ! - the galapagos islands

    -這是加拉帕哥斯群島! -加拉帕哥斯群島!
  11. Schoedsack had visited the galapagos islands, whose regressive species first made darwin think about the long process of mutation and adaptation that turned monkeys into men
