gastrointestinal allergy 中文意思是什麼

gastrointestinal allergy 解釋
  1. Pregnacy, allergy to methotrexate, functional disorders of liver and kidneys, diseases of the haematopoietic system ( bone marrow hypoplasia, leucopenia, thrombocy - to penia, anaemia ), intectious diseases, ulcers of the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract, recent operation wounds

    孕期,對氨甲葉酸過敏,肝、腎功能障礙,血液系統疾病(骨髓機能減退、白細胞及血小板減少、貧血) ,傳染病,口腔及胃潰瘍,近期術后傷口等忌用。
  2. Food intolerance doesn ' t involve the immune system but can cause some of the same gastrointestinal symptoms as food allergy
