gleam 中文意思是什麼

音標 [gli:m]
gleam 解釋
n. 名詞 1. 閃光,微光。
2. (感情等的)閃現;短暫微弱的顯現。
3. 反光。
vi. 不及物動詞 1. 發微光,閃爍。
2. (感情等的)閃現。
vt. 及物動詞 使發微光,使閃爍,隱約地顯現。

  1. The plans for the new town hall were then still only a gleam in the architect 's eye.

  2. Arequipa, the city at the foot of el misti, is the commercial and agricultural hub of southern peru. the city takes its gleam from volcanic building stone

  3. The cherishing and training of some trees ; the cautious pruning of others ; the nice distribution of flowers and plants of tender and graceful foliage ; the introduction of a green slope of velvet turf ; the partial opening to a peep of blue distance, or silver gleam of water ; ? all these are managed with a delicate tact, a pervading yet quiet assiduity, like the magic touchings with which a painter finishes up a favorite picture

    欹斜之樹須正,修枝去葉,刪繁就簡,所得可謂奉若至寶;枝葉婆娑,花葉相映,令人賞心悅目;坡草青青,宛若天鵝絨地毯,光滑細膩;茂林之中偶露一隙,遠處藍天隱約可見,或現一池春水,碧波蕩漾? ?凡此種種,皆為人工造化,潤物無聲,猶如畫師當其畫稿殺青之際得一神來之筆,渾然天成。
  4. There was a touch of fire in the passing jests, in the laughing eyes, in the sudden gleam of white teeth, in the reflection of the candelabra on the surface of a glass of champagne

  5. As soon as the weary choristers it was their twentieth service began languidly singing their habitual chant, o mother of god, save thy servants from calamity, and priest and deacon chimed in, for to thee we all fly as our invincible bulwark and protectress, there was a gleam on every face of that sense of the solemnity of the coming moment, which he had seen on the hill at mozhaisk and by glimpses in so many of the faces meeting him that morning

    神甫和助祭就接著唱: 「上帝保佑我們,投向你,就像投向不可摧毀的堡壘。 」於是所有人的臉上又現出那種意識到即將來臨的重大事件時的表情,這種表情那天早晨皮埃爾在莫扎伊斯克山腳下看見過,有時也在碰見的許許多多張臉上看見過這種表情,人們更加頻繁地低頭,抖動頭發,聽得見嘆息聲和在胸前劃十字發出的聲音。
  6. His body was like chrysolite, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound of a multitude

  7. Then, by the gleam of a lamp, similar to that which lighted the columbarium, albert was to be seen wrapped up in a cloak which one of the bandits had lent him, lying in a corner in profound slumber

  8. Still the faint glamour of blackness persisted over the fields and the wooded hills, and seemed darkly to gleam in the air.

  9. The watery sunshine rested on the walls in blurred and desultory gleam.

  10. They caught the gleam of the distant sea.

  11. As they crept along, stooping low to discern the plant, a soft yellow gleam was reflected from the buttercups into their shaded faces, giving them an elfish, moonlit aspect, though the sun was pouring upon their backs in all the strength of noon. angel clare, who communistically stuck to his rule of taking part with the rest in everything, glanced up now and then

  12. The first gleam of fairness shone in this proposition for carrie.

  13. The west, too, was warm : no watery gleam chilled it - it seemed as if there was a fire lit, an altar burning behind its screen of marbled vapour, and out of apertures shone a golden redness

  14. The eyes are black and gleam like a snake's.

  15. His round face always seemed to gleam slightly.

  16. An intelligible gleam of assent twinkled in his eye.

  17. Even his spectacles seemed to wear an ironical gleam.

  18. When he saw us a damp gleam of hope sprang into his light blue eyes.

  19. And the longish slope of her haunches and her buttocks had lost its gleam and its sense of richness

  20. I descended cautiously to the lower regions, and landed in the back kitchen, where a gleam of fire, raked compactly together, enabled me to rekindle my candle
