great britain 中文意思是什麼

great britain 解釋

  • great : adj 1 大的,巨大的。2 很多的;充足的,十足的,非常的。3 偉大的,傑出的;優異的,顯著的;貴族的,...
  • britain : n 英國,不列顛〈英格蘭、威爾斯和蘇格蘭的總稱〉: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern...
  1. Acgb arts council of great britain

  2. Adgb air defence of great britain

  3. Terratec develops international market, offices been set up in benelux, denmark, great britain, spain, france, italy, eastern europe cis and usa

  4. Further expansion is planned, with the emphasis increasingly on developing foreign business v firstly via the offices which have already been set up in the netherlands for benelux, denmark for scandinavia, great britain, spain, france, italy, asia, eastern europe cis and the close sales partnership in the usa, and secondly by developing our nettetal sales department, in order to provide better support for our sales partners in additional countries

    Terratec並不自滿于德國市場的亮麗表現,對于未來的企業版圖與市場擴張有其持續性與全盤性的規劃,業務推展重點已將觸角延伸于發展其海外市場。首先, terratec的海外據點相繼成立:荷蘭丹麥英國西班牙法國義大利東歐亞洲以及美國,接著擴編terratec nettetal總部的營業部門,為其餘海外國家當地的經銷商及事業伴提供最好的技術和銷售支持。
  5. It is interesting to note that the frequency of bronchitis and pneumonia in great britain has been correlated with area of residence in a polluted area and with social class.

  6. The unexpected discovery of an object of great monetary value : precious stone, valuable adhesive or impressed postage stamps 7 - shilling, mauve, imperforate, hamburg, 1866 : 4 pence, rose, blue paper perforate, great britain, 1866 : 1 franc, stone, official, rouletted, diagonal surcharge, luxembourg, 1878 : antique dynastical ring, unique relic in unusual repositories or by unusual means : from the air dropped by an eagle in flight, by fire amid the carbonised remains of an incendiated edifice, in the sea amid flotsam, jetsam, lagan and derelict, on earth in the gizzard of a comestible fowl

    意外地發現一樣非常值錢的東西:寶石,貴重的帶膠郵票或蓋了戳的郵票七先令,淡紫色,無孔,漢堡,一八六六264四便士,玫瑰色,藍地上有孔,英國,一八五五265一法郎,黃褐色,官方印製,刻有騎縫孔的,斜著蓋有加價印記,盧森堡,一八七八266 。古代王朝的戒指,稀世遺寶,在不同尋常的地方或以不同尋常的方式出現:從天而降飛鷹丟下的,借著一場火在焚毀成焦炭的大廈灰燼當中,大海里在漂流物失事船隻的丟棄物繫上浮標投下水的貨物以及無主物當中,在地面上在食用禽的胗里。
  7. Noah webster informed his compatriots in 1789 that "great britain…should no longer be our standard".

  8. China revised the law of criminal procedure in 1996, which processed a little big reformation to the original criminal procedure system by absorbing and borrowing some effective procedures of the law system of the great britain and the usa. on the aspect of criminal justice, the justice method is from the original way of interrogation that is dominated by judge, to the present counterplot system that is dominated by both accusing party and accused party on lawcourt. this kind of inquire method on the lawcourt shall be more beneficial to protect the right of accused party and has the promoting function to realize the fair of justice

    我國1996年修訂的《刑事訴訟法》 ,對原來的刑事訴訟制度進行了較大的改革,在某些方面借鑒和吸收了英美法系國家有益的做法,表現在刑事審判方式上,就是從以前由法官主導的審問制向由控辯雙方主導的對抗制進行轉變,對抗制的庭審方式應該更加有利於保障被告人的訴訟權利,對實現司法公正起到促進作用。
  9. During the war of 1812, congress laid an embargo on commerce with great britain.

  10. Great britain and france also emphasized basic research.

  11. Thereon embossed in excellent smithwork was seen the image of a queen of regal port, scion of the house of brunswick, victoria her name, her most excellent majesty, by grace of god of the united kingdom of great britain and ireland and of the british dominions beyond the sea, queen, defender of the faith, empress of india, even she, who bore rule, a victress over many peoples, the well - beloved, for they knew and loved her from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof, the pale, the dark, the ruddy and the ethiop

    承蒙上主的恩寵,至高無上的女工陛下君臨大不列顛和愛爾蘭聯合王國以及海外英國領土。她是女王,信仰的捍衛者,印度的女皇。就是她,戰勝了眾邦,受到萬人的崇敬,從日出到日落之地138 ,蒼白淺黑微紅到黝黑皮膚的人們,都曉得並愛戴她。
  12. The western rare collection mainly contains western language books published before 1900 including clavdii galeni per gameni ars medica, quae et ars parva by galen ( 1549 ), authentic account of an embassy from the king of great britain to the emperor of china by sir george staunton ( 1798 ), la chine et les chinois by escayrac de lauture ( 1877 ), etc

    西文善本包括二十世紀前出版的外文書籍,如1549年出版之clavdiigalenipergameniarsmedica , quaeetarsparva , 1798年出版之名著《英使謁見乾隆紀實》 , 1877年出版之
  13. This was the situation faced by great britain between the time it rejoined the gold standard in 1925 and forced off of it in 1931.

  14. We had at any rate a solid foundation in great britain.

  15. For me, i pray he may be immortal in great britain.

  16. Loud was the protest in the united states and great britain from the oil companies.

  17. Those parts of great britain which border upon the irish sea are all grazing countries.

  18. He helped his father establish the first permanent motion picture theatres in great britain.

  19. Once france was prostrate, he must if possible conquer or destroy great britain.

  20. This may well be a diplomatic sop to cover absence of action against great britain.
