guitarists 中文意思是什麼

guitarists 解釋
  1. Rosa passos, hailed as the prime exponent of contemporary bossa nova, is one of brazil s finest singers, composers and guitarists. critics have compared her to such divas as ella fitzgerald, carmen mcrae and nancy wilson

  2. Also for advanced guitarists some of the villa - lobos etudes are great

  3. Our rock and roll band features two drummers, two guitarists, and a singer

  4. We won ' t knock you for using recordings, " said union spokesman keith ames, wearied by the sight of bands with miming singers backed by guitarists going through the motions to a recorded track

    我們不是批評你使用錄音帶, "該協會的發言人基思?埃姆斯說,他對歌手在舞臺上一邊對著錄音帶假唱,一邊和吉他手裝腔作勢而感到厭倦。
  5. We wo n ' t knock you for using recordings, " said union spokesman keith ames, wearied by the sight of bands with miming singers backed by guitarists going through the motions to a recorded track

    我們不是批評你使用錄音帶, "該協會的發言人基思埃姆斯說,他對歌手在舞臺上一邊對著錄音帶假唱,一邊和吉他手裝腔作勢而感到厭倦。
  6. Of the 602 buskers , 58 per cent are guitarists , 10 per cent violinists , 9 per cent saxophonists , 10 per cent play flutes and harmonicas , 6 per cent accordions and keyboards and 2 per cent play the didgeridoo

    在602名街頭藝人當中, 58 %是演奏吉他的人, 10 %是演奏小提琴的人, 9 %是演奏薩克斯管的人, 10 %是演奏長笛和口琴的人, 6 %是演奏手風琴和鍵盤的人,還有2 %是演奏迪吉里杜管的人。
  7. Air guitar t - shirt : cotton - picking ? australian scientists have invented a t - shirt that allows air guitarists to play actual music as they strum the air. the t - shirt, created by scientists from the commonwealth scientific and industrial research organization csiro, is called a " wearable instrument shirt.
