habitual 中文意思是什麼

音標 [hə'bitjuəl]
habitual 解釋
adj. 形容詞 日常的,平常的;慣常的,習慣的。
habitual practice 習慣的做法,慣技。
a habitual criminal 慣犯。
a habitual cinema-goer 經常看電影的人。
a habitual liar 慣于說謊的人。
adv. 動詞 副詞 -ly ,-ness n. 名詞
  1. Ajw s habitual gesture : many hand movements with talking, to blink eyes frequently it is probably because ajw is astigmatic

  2. As soon as the weary choristers it was their twentieth service began languidly singing their habitual chant, o mother of god, save thy servants from calamity, and priest and deacon chimed in, for to thee we all fly as our invincible bulwark and protectress, there was a gleam on every face of that sense of the solemnity of the coming moment, which he had seen on the hill at mozhaisk and by glimpses in so many of the faces meeting him that morning

    神甫和助祭就接著唱: 「上帝保佑我們,投向你,就像投向不可摧毀的堡壘。 」於是所有人的臉上又現出那種意識到即將來臨的重大事件時的表情,這種表情那天早晨皮埃爾在莫扎伊斯克山腳下看見過,有時也在碰見的許許多多張臉上看見過這種表情,人們更加頻繁地低頭,抖動頭發,聽得見嘆息聲和在胸前劃十字發出的聲音。
  3. He remembered with mortification how he had forgotten his proud reserve, and his habitual concealment of his feelings.

  4. Acupuncture and moxibustion treating habitual constipation

  5. The da decides to charge him as a habitual criminal.

  6. Davis said with his habitual guilty grin.

  7. En route, to his taciturn, and, not to put too fine a point on it, not yet perfectly sober companion, mr bloom, who at all events, was in complete possession of his faculties, never more so, in fact disgustingly sober, spoke a word of caution re the dangers of nighttown, women of ill fame and swell mobsmen, which, barely permissible once in a while, though not as a habitual practice, was of the nature of a regular deathtrap for young fellows of his age particularly if they had acquired drinking habits under the influence of liquor unless you knew a little juijitsu for every contingency as even a fellow on the broad of his back could administer a nasty kick if you didn t look out

    路上10 ,不但絲毫不曾失去理智確實比平素還更加無比清醒的布盧姆先生,對他那位沉默寡言的-說得坦率些,酒尚未完全醒的同伴,就11夜街之危險告誡了一番。他說,與妓女或服飾漂亮打扮成紳士的扒手偶爾打一次交道猶可,一旦習以為常,尤其要是嗜酒成癖,成了酒鬼,對斯蒂芬這個年的小夥子來說乃是一種致命的陷阱。除非你會點防身的柔術,不然的話,一不留神,已經被仰面朝天摔倒下去的那個傢伙也會卑鄙地踢上你一腳。
  8. Total dispensation of cigarettes can be difficult for a habitual smoker.

  9. Habitual overeating has distended his stomach.

  10. Organizational habitual domains theory

  11. His habitual touch was that of the eclectic.

  12. His reserve had been always excessive and habitual.

  13. The third sub - band is occupied by exteriorized entities who have permanently left their physical existence but do not realize it, and are trying to continue a habitual physical existence, often remaining around familiar occupied bodies ( still embodied friends and acquaintances ) while acting out emotionally - based drives and fears

    第三個副環帶由永遠離開了他們的世間存在的形象化的實體所佔據,但他們並未認識到這一點,在試圖繼續一種習慣性的世間存在,常常停留在熟悉的人的四周(依然處于肉身中的朋友和熟人) ,並基於情感和恐懼而行動。
  14. The nation which indulges toward another a habitual hatred on a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave.

  15. My girlfriend and i are habitual cinema - goers

  16. " grandpapa noirtier can speak now, then, " said edward, with his habitual quickness

    「那麼,諾瓦蒂埃爺爺現在能夠講話啦。 」
  17. His person showed marks of habitual neglect.

  18. His habitual expression was one of mild puzzlement.

  19. In fact, this movement by itself was habitual.

  20. Her pride was hurt, but her habitual control of manner helped her.
