had 中文意思是什麼

音標 [hæd, həd, əd]
had 解釋
have 的過去式及過去分詞。
be had 受騙,上當,被利用。
had as good (do) 不如,寧可 (had as good study English instead of Russian 寧可學英語而不學俄語)。
had as lief [soon] 〈古語〉〈書面語〉毋寧,寧可 (I had just as lief [soon] stay out of the quarrel. 我寧可置身爭論之外)。
had best (do) 最好 (We had best go at once. 我們最好馬上走)。
had better (do) 最好 (You had better go. 你還是走好)。
had better have done …做了就好了 (You had better have gone already. 你早就應該走了〈可惜沒有走〉)。
had better not (do) 最好不要 (He had better not remain here. 他還是不留在這里好)。
had it not been for 若非,假使沒有。
had like to 差不多,幾乎就…了。
had need (to) (do) 應當 (You had need to do your best. 你應當盡最大的努力)。
had rather (do) 還是…的好。
had rather. . . than 寧可…也不願;與其…寧可 (I had rather undertake some purposeful labour than stay idle. 我寧可做些有意義的勞動也不願閑著)。
had sooner . . . than 寧可…也不願;比…更喜歡 (He had sooner live in the countryside than in the city. 他寧肯住在鄉下,不願住在城裡)。

  1. In nine years of living just outside siena, aaron jastrow had never attended a palio.

  2. Aaron had dumped regina, and she was unknowingly

  3. The poor little puppy had been abandoned.

  4. If i had not known before that you were trying somehow to abash me i should know it now.

  5. "we'd have had a young gentleman to meet you, if we had known you were coming, " retorted master kidderminster, nothing abashed.

  6. " but, how can i open the grave by myself ? i had better consult with abbess shih.

    「我一人如何掘得開墳墓?且和石道姑商量則個。 」
  7. Every abbey and great man's house had its fish pond.

  8. There had not a vestige of the abbey remains

  9. She had lost the power to abbreviate the remaining steps of the way.

  10. I had to go over the whole proposal twice, and word it as plainly as abc before she would fully take it in.

  11. We were heading s. s. w., and had a steady breeze abeam and a quiet sea

  12. I like girls that wear abercrombie and fitch, i d take her if i had one wish,

  13. Winsett himself had a savage abhorrence of social observances.

  14. Julia and her friends had a fascinated abhorrence of what they called "pont street".

  15. The captain told them, he would spare their lives, if they would give him any assurance of their abhorrence of the treachery they had been guilty of.

  16. He had to content himself with expressing his government's abhorrence of japanese aggression while he knew that he could do nothing to bring the japanese to book.

  17. The christians once had abidance in the holy hill of palestine

  18. Look into next year, above all need reviewing was mixed last year even this year the year before last year, can say, grail drops through abidance of a few years, the pannikin that acclaims be in fashion for a period before a few years, science and technology, recombine etc is simple congenial idea almost what had changed to these 2 years is very malapropos, but big change often is need time is mixed accumulate, quantitative change will be changed finally into qualitative change, people from to these stocks from love to arrive to coma detesting also is to need time to change likewise

  19. The place had also a more abiding defect.

  20. He had been obliged to offer an abject apology to mr. alleyne for his impertinence.
