heartbreaking 中文意思是什麼

heartbreaking 解釋
  1. It was gruelling, hot, dirty and heartbreaking work. " after that we had to go to the mortuary where victims relatives were waiting

  2. The immediate news of kennedy ' s death came for most via television ; i ' m old enough to remember that heartbreaking moment when walter cronkite put on his hornrimmed glasses to glance at a message from dallas and then, blinking back tears, told his viewers that their leader was gone

    肯尼迪死亡的即時消息基本上是通過電視傳播開來的;那時我已懂事,依然記得沃爾特.克農凱特戴上邊角眼鏡來閱讀來自達拉斯的那條消息,然後強忍著淚水告訴他的觀眾? ?領袖已經逝去的悲痛時刻。
  3. Many guests were moved to tears as they watched master sing " farewell song. " fellow practitioners were also overcome by emotion, as though they were seeing their mother after a long separation, and hearing her call them her beloved children. all were held spellbound by the heartbreaking and lingering libretto

  4. Heartbreaking predictability of it all, by all means -

  5. Heartbreaking predictability of it all, by all means - -

    可悲的宿命的苦果隨你的便- -
  6. Now, with thousands of children expecting a father or mother serving in iraq or afghanistan, the questions are as heartbreaking as they are unanswerable

    現在,隨著數千名孩子盼望著在伊拉克或阿富汗工作的父親或母親歸來, (他們的)這些問題更加令人傷感,更讓人無法回答。
  7. The indormitable martial arts team of director chang cheh and stunt choreographer liu chia - liang bring the golden swallow of king hu s come drink with me back to life again in this sequel of heartbreaking romance, intrigue and stunning action

  8. Our very success created a heartbreaking problem.

  9. He conducted its heartbreaking phase-out with dignity.

  10. What a terrible misunderstanding. this is. heartbreaking

  11. What a terrible misunderstanding. this is. . heartbreaking

    多麼大的誤會啊,真. . .真讓人傷心欲絕
  12. It ' s a brutal and heartbreaking trial

  13. Her love life consists of heartbreaking failures with men

  14. Oh, the jazz lost tonight in heartbreaking fashion. . it was beautiful

    對了,爵士今晚惜敗。 。 。這太好了。
  15. He had entitled the story " adventure, " and it was the apotheosis of adventure - not of the adventure of the storybooks, but of real adventure, the savage taskmaster, awful of punishment and awful of reward, faithless and whimsical, demanding terrible patience and heartbreaking days and nights of toil, offering the blazing sunlight glory or dark death at the end of thirst and famine or of the long drag and monstrous delirium of rotting fever, through blood and sweat and stinging insects leading up by long chains of petty and ignoble contacts to royal culminations and lordly achievements

  16. She said that the count had died, as she would wish to die herself, that his end had been not simply touching, but edifying ; that the last interview of the father and son had been so touching that she could not recall it without tears ; and that she did not know which had behaved more nobly in those terrible moments : the father, who had remembered everything and every one so well at the last, and had said such moving words to his son ; or pierre, whom it was heartbreaking to see, so utterly crushed was he, though he yet tried to conceal his grief, so as not to distress his dying father

    她說,伯爵正如她意料中的情景那樣去世了,他的死不僅頗為感人,而且可資垂訓。父子最後一次的會面竟如此感人,以致一想起此事她就會痛哭流涕,她不曉得在這令人可怖的時刻,父子二人中誰的行為表現更為出色,是在臨終的時候對所有的事情和所有的人一一回顧並對兒子道出感人的話的父親呢,還是悲慟欲絕為使死在旦夕的父親不致於難受而隱藏自己內心的憂愁的令人目睹而憐惜的皮埃爾。 「 cestpenible , maiscelafaitdu
  17. Together, they vividly acted out this agonizing and heartbreaking epic love tale

  18. The rescue team members told us of heartbreaking events that had occurred during the flooding, such as one rescue where they had to cut a roof open and 20 people crawled out from the attic because the water level had risen too quickly for them to escape by any other means

  19. Finally, they have no choice but start the training course of being black rose, and in the process, they discover the heartbreaking past of black rose

    沙織和魯嬌只好就範,學種玫瑰練奶? a並發現了黑玫瑰一段凄美動人的過去
  20. There are probably plenty of heartbreaking stories similar to that of neville ' s parents
