held beneficially 中文意思是什麼

held beneficially 解釋
  1. Without prejudice to other authorities granted to you hereof, you are authorized to apply at any time, without prior notice to me / us, any credit balances ( including amount payable to me / us arising from the sale transaction ) in any currencies to which i / we am / are at any time beneficially entitled on this account and any accounts opened with you to set - off against any liabilities owed to you ( including amount receivable from me / us arising from the purchase transaction ) ; and dispose of securities held for me / us for the purpose of settling any of the amounts payable by me / us to you

    在不影響本協議給予閣下其他授權的情況下,本人/吾等特此授權閣下可於任何時間而無須通知本人/吾等,運用本人/吾等於閣下開設此戶口及任何其他戶口的任何幣值結餘(包括因賣出交易而需支付本人/吾等的款項)抵銷任何本人/吾等對閣下之負債(包括因買入交易而需向本人/吾等收取的款項) ;及處置本人/吾等持有的證券作為清償本人/吾等應支付閣下的款項。