hepatology 中文意思是什麼

hepatology 解釋
  1. Chinese journal of gastroenterology and hepatology

  2. The risk of error can be reduced, he told internists attending a " multiple small feedings of the mind " hepatology update, by attention to specimen size and number of specimens

  3. There are 9 divisions as following : gastroenterology, hepatology and pancreatology, cardiology, pulmonology, nephrology, endocrinology and metabolism, hematology and oncology, rheumatology immunology and allergology, and infectious diseases

  4. Chinese journal of clinical hepatology

  5. So i hope the chinese people have to realize and sometimes only the hepatology or the infectious ( disease ) people look after the patients having hepatitis b virus, the next step also the people in china have to learn how to screen by image techniques and try to find the cancer small

  6. Journal of clinical hepatology

  7. Chinese journal of hepatology

  8. A 2005 study in the journal hepatology revealed the annual percentage of acute liver failure caused by acetaminophen rose from 28 percent in 1998 to 51 percent in 2003

  9. hepatology digest 》 : now the interferon therapy is definite therapy, do you think our patients with chronic hepatitis b must accept the peginterferon therapy before they accept the nucleotides analogues treatment

    《國際肝病》 :目前干擾素治療慢乙肝具有肯定的療效,你認為慢性乙型肝炎患者在接受核苷類似物之前是否必須接受長效干擾素治療?
  10. Journal of hepatology

  11. Hep b and hep c account for the majority of cirrhosis and primary liver cancer throughout most of the world, reports october ' s issue of the journal of hepatology

  12. Lindsay kl. introduction to therapy and hepatitis c. hepatology, 2002, 36 ( suppl ) : s114 - 120, s121 - 127, s135 - 144

    姚光弼.正確認識和評價拉米夫定在治療慢性乙型肝炎中的地位.肝臟, 2002 , 7 : 73 - 74
  13. Takayama t, makuuchi m, hirohashi s, et al. early hepatocellular carcinoma as an entity with a high rate of surgica cure [ j ]. hepatology, 1998, 28 : 1241

    曾蒙蘇,張宏偉,周康榮.移植性大鼠微小肝癌影像學研究的實驗評價[ j ] .臨床放射學雜志, 1996 , 4 : 368 371
  14. Omata, i present hepatology digest coming from china, we circulate by thousands copies per month in chinese clinics, so this time i reported the international conference

  15. Harrison p, wendon j, williams r, et al. evidence of increased guanylate cyclase activation by acetylcysteine in fulminant hepatic failure [ j ]. hepatology, 1996, 23 : 1067

    徐鑫榮、俞雷、張家留.還原型谷胱甘肽和乙酰半胱氨酸對內毒素休克免的保護作用[ j ] .臨床麻醉學雜志, 2001 , 17 ( 6 ) : 318
  16. Statistical analysis on papers and authors for chinese journal of hepatology

  17. hepatology digest 》 : what is the end point of the treatment of hbv

  18. hepatology digest 》 : how do you prevent the progression of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis

    《國際肝病》 :如何防止肝纖維化和肝硬化?
  19. hepatology digest 》 : currently, more and more anti - hbv drugs are being introduced in the clinic. how can we choose among them

    《國際肝病》 :目前越來越多的抗病毒藥物登陸臨床應用,如何給慢乙肝的患者選擇抗病毒藥物?
  20. hepatology digest 》 : do you think the early viral load reduction is correlated with the improved efficacy and lower viral resistance ? and why

    《國際肝病》 :你認為早期病毒學抑制是否與較高的療效和較低的病毒變異相關,為什麼?