heroic 中文意思是什麼

音標 [hi'rəuik]
heroic 解釋
adj. 形容詞 1. 英雄的,勇士的;神人的,超人的。
2. 英勇的,壯烈的;強大的,崇高的;冒險的;果斷的。
3. (語言)誇張的,高雅的,〈詩〉歌頌英雄的;史詩般的。
4. (聲音)宏大的,(雕像等)大於實物的。
5. (措施等)冒險的;(藥物)劑量大的,猛烈的。
n. 名詞 1. 英雄詩,史詩。
2. 〈 pl. 〉誇張的言行。
3. 咬文嚼字,文謅謅。

  1. The tirpitz had been disabled by the audacious and heroic attack of our midget submarines.

  2. His kids nicky stephen fung, a dolphin trainer at ocean park and natalie gillian chung, a highschool student, learn the art of kungfu from their father, but are unconvinced of their father s claim to a secret life as a heroic body guard for retired agents

    其子女n i c k y馮德倫飾與n a t a l i e鍾欣桐飾不屑老父常吹虛自己虛構的風光日子,兄妹之間亦互相藐視,一家人貌合神離。
  3. Perhaps it would be bombastic to call him a modern " robin hood ", it is undeniable that his character does possess a kind of heroic quality that is respectable. his behaviors are based strictly on a set of moral standard

  4. We hear the silver voices of heroic bugles.

  5. Man has used drugs to celebrate heroic successes.

  6. On the wall of the heroic exploits hall of the beijing - tianjin campaign memorial there puts a sketching portrait over a cinereous rectangular tablet, which is inscribed in traditional chinese with ‘ the tomb of marty zhang yun - ting ’ on the right side

    在平津戰役紀念館英烈業績廳展壁上懸掛著一幅普通人物素描畫像,畫像下方擺放著一塊青灰色長方形墓碑,碑體正面刻有: 「張雲亭烈士之墓」七個繁體字,這塊墓碑是2003年3月26日一位天津市民在修危房時發現的。
  7. Mountaineer says : " some people usually drive heroic car on the road. there is a abrupt turn ahead not far from here, and a clough just below it, where you can find all kinds of the auto accessories

    山民說: 「這條路上經常有人開英雄車,前面不遠處是個急轉彎,急轉彎的下面就是深谷,那深谷里什麼樣的汽車配件都有? ?根本用不著花錢。
  8. Sophia was charmed with the contemplation of so heroic an action.

  9. Of the kinds of words we have enumerated it may be observed that compounds are most in place in the dithyramb, strange words in heroic, and metaphors in iambic poetry

  10. " i am a man who would live an heroic life and make the world more endurable in his own sight

  11. Their small potato patches are scratched with heroic industry in the hard rock.

  12. Divine shields and hearthstones do not make a hero heroic

  13. Human beings couldn't be heroic all the time.

  14. Every heroic act is also decent.

  15. Jones had some heroic ingredients in his composition.

  16. Well, you are always heroic and transcendental.

  17. He shows a heroic spirit.

  18. He shrank back at the memory of his lost heroic fantasies.

  19. The heroic deeds of the people 's soldiers are too numerous to enumerate.

  20. They never did anything of a heroic or dare-devil character.
