herve 中文意思是什麼

herve 解釋
  1. " fourteen percent of military personnel have a bmi body mass index equal or superior to 30, " defense minister herve flahaut said in a written reply to a parliamentary question

    比利時國防大臣弗拉奧指出: 「軍隊中14的官兵已達到身體肥胖指數甚至高出很多。 」
  2. French finance minister herve gaymard meanwhile said france was lobbying other g8 members and that the paris club would discuss the particularly badly affected cases of indonesia and sri lanka at a meeting on january 12

    其間,法國財政部長埃爾維& # 8226 ;蓋馬爾指出,法國正在(就此)游說八國集團其它成員,巴黎俱樂部將在在1月12日的會議中討論受影響最大的印尼和斯里蘭卡債務問題。
  3. When the idea they have of the country meets the reality of what they discover it can provoke a crisis, " psychologist herve benhamou told the paper

    心理學家herve benhamou說: 「心理脆弱的遊客可能會情緒失控。當他們對一個國家的想象與現實情況大相徑庭時就有可能患上疾病」