ill fame 中文意思是什麼

ill fame 解釋
  • ill : adj (worse; worst )1 〈用作表語〉有病的。 ★英國此義作修飾語時是用 sick 美國無論作表語或作修飾語...
  • fame : n. 1. 名聲,聲望。2. 〈古語〉傳聞,風聲。vt. 1. 使出名,揚…的名。2. 〈古語〉盛傳。
  1. En route, to his taciturn, and, not to put too fine a point on it, not yet perfectly sober companion, mr bloom, who at all events, was in complete possession of his faculties, never more so, in fact disgustingly sober, spoke a word of caution re the dangers of nighttown, women of ill fame and swell mobsmen, which, barely permissible once in a while, though not as a habitual practice, was of the nature of a regular deathtrap for young fellows of his age particularly if they had acquired drinking habits under the influence of liquor unless you knew a little juijitsu for every contingency as even a fellow on the broad of his back could administer a nasty kick if you didn t look out

    路上10 ,不但絲毫不曾失去理智確實比平素還更加無比清醒的布盧姆先生,對他那位沉默寡言的-說得坦率些,酒尚未完全醒的同伴,就11夜街之危險告誡了一番。他說,與妓女或服飾漂亮打扮成紳士的扒手偶爾打一次交道猶可,一旦習以為常,尤其要是嗜酒成癖,成了酒鬼,對斯蒂芬這個年的小夥子來說乃是一種致命的陷阱。除非你會點防身的柔術,不然的話,一不留神,已經被仰面朝天摔倒下去的那個傢伙也會卑鄙地踢上你一腳。