impressed 中文意思是什麼

impressed 解釋
  1. The classical examples of programming adduced by the speaker deeply impressed the audience at present

  2. About many decades ago, a special outdoor advertising media was brought to people, huge body, beatiful shape, delicate flying gesture impressed people deeply, it is super huge outdoor advertising media - aeroboat

  3. What impressed you most about alfonso

  4. So amitabha buddha said to him, im impressed by your faith and sincerity in seeking the truth

  5. You wouldn't be impressed by your catch anyway.

  6. His well-formed aquiline nose, straight thin lips, and the admirable contour of his finely-formed limbs, impressed the whole company instantly with the idea of something uncommon.

  7. " the philosopher of the half - educated, he was called by an academic philosopher who was not worthy to pollute the atmosphere he breathed. i don t think you have read ten pages of spencer, but there have been critics, assumably more intelligent than you, who have read no more than you of spencer, who publicly challenged his followers to adduce one single idea from all his writings - from herbert spencer s writings, the man who has impressed the stamp of his genius over the whole field of scientific research and modern thought ; the father of psychology ; the man who revolutionized pedagogy, so that to - day the child of the french peasant is taught the three r s according to principles laid down by him

  8. In my youth their singular attire impressed on me.

  9. Tourists visiting tsochen rural township for the first time are sure to be impressed by the chalk badlands, and by the bambusa stenostachya bamboo that has grown there since japanese colonial times. the ground in tsochen is mainly made up of the mt

  10. Yes, it was the headline achievements that had impressed colonel baxter.

  11. "but giuseppe was quite impressed when he found i taught at meadow, " said miss blake.

  12. For a time, so steeped was he in the plays and in the many favorite passages that impressed themselves almost without effort on his brain, that all the world seemed to shape itself into forms of elizabethan tragedy or comedy and his very thoughts were in blank verse

  13. The broad seal was impressed with winthrop's coat of arms.

  14. Have impressed the audience widely. when playing this stunt, she keeps a chopstick in her mouth, and then put a candle holder on it

  15. The philosophy of the prisoners during their worst sufferings impressed even their captors.

  16. The manchester city man impressed all evening, but the same cannot be said of a short of confidence paul robinson, who was badly at fault for kevin kuranyi ' s leveller midway through the half

  17. Szathmar was not impressed by the coincidence.

  18. The panel was also impressed that under the leadership of the council and the vice - chancellor, cuhk manages to achieve a good balance between providing strong executive leadership and yet maintaining a spirit of collegiality

  19. The unexpected discovery of an object of great monetary value : precious stone, valuable adhesive or impressed postage stamps 7 - shilling, mauve, imperforate, hamburg, 1866 : 4 pence, rose, blue paper perforate, great britain, 1866 : 1 franc, stone, official, rouletted, diagonal surcharge, luxembourg, 1878 : antique dynastical ring, unique relic in unusual repositories or by unusual means : from the air dropped by an eagle in flight, by fire amid the carbonised remains of an incendiated edifice, in the sea amid flotsam, jetsam, lagan and derelict, on earth in the gizzard of a comestible fowl

    意外地發現一樣非常值錢的東西:寶石,貴重的帶膠郵票或蓋了戳的郵票七先令,淡紫色,無孔,漢堡,一八六六264四便士,玫瑰色,藍地上有孔,英國,一八五五265一法郎,黃褐色,官方印製,刻有騎縫孔的,斜著蓋有加價印記,盧森堡,一八七八266 。古代王朝的戒指,稀世遺寶,在不同尋常的地方或以不同尋常的方式出現:從天而降飛鷹丟下的,借著一場火在焚毀成焦炭的大廈灰燼當中,大海里在漂流物失事船隻的丟棄物繫上浮標投下水的貨物以及無主物當中,在地面上在食用禽的胗里。
  20. For the first week , whenever i looked out on the pond it impressed me like a tarn high up on the side of a mountain , its bottom far above the surface of other lakes , and , as the sun arose , i saw it throwing off its nightly clothing of mist , and here and there , by degrees , its soft ripples or its smooth reflecting surface was revealed , while the mists , like ghosts , were stealthily withdrawing in every direction into the woods , as at the breaking up of some nocturnal conventicle
