inflows 中文意思是什麼

inflows 解釋
  1. An easing of controls on outflows may even be counterproductive if it stimulates larger inflows

  2. Normal trade - related capital inflows, for example, may include some hot money, he said

  3. The reserve accumulations are not, it should be stressed, in response to inflows of speculative “ hot money ”

  4. Export earnings have fallen at a time when private capital inflows and domestic savings have slumped.

  5. The domestic adjustment effort will have to be supported by additional capital inflows and growing export markets.

  6. Capital inflows from abroad and sharp increases in the world prices of key exports also cause the real exchange rate to appreciate.

  7. A long position involves inflows greater than outflows in a currency and a short position involved outflows greater than inflows

  8. Our primary objective in this paper is to provide a detailed descriptive analysis of the main aspects of capital inflows into china

  9. Is responsible for and follow the cash : cash inflows and disbursements

  10. By the international comparison of fdi inflows and fdi stocks, the weight of fdi in gross domestic investment and fdi performance index it gets the conclusion that the scale of fdi is a little too high

    通過對我國fdi流量及存量、 fdi占國內總投資規模的比重和fdi業績指數等的國際比較,得出了我國引進的fdi規模偏大的結論。
  11. Revenues are defined as the inflows of assets resulting from the sale of products or services

  12. Capital inflows, in particular, were minimal in the 1970s and 1980s, impeded by capital controls and the reluctance of international investors to undertake investment in a socialist economy with weak institutions and limited exposure to international trade

  13. Epidemic models with the constant inflows of the infectives

  14. The interaction between international trade and foreign direct investment ( fdi ) is one of the important issues capturing the attention from economists worldwide. there are many literatures on the issue up to present, which evidently show two drawbacks, one is that the emphasis of the most analyses is placed on the home countries of fdi, and the other is that even the emphasis is on the host countries, more research is on the relationship between fdi and the economic development but fdi inflows and foreign trade

    國際貿易與國際直接投資( fdi )之間的互動關系,歷來是國際經濟學界關注的一個重要問題,迄止目前,關于這個問題的研究文獻可謂汗牛充棟,但綜觀各種文獻,可以發現兩個明顯的不足:一個是研究問題的角度,主要放在fdi流出國一邊,而從流入國一邊出發來考察這個問題的研究,則較少;另一個是,即使從fdi流入國的角度考察,也多側重於研究fdi流入與經濟發展之間的關系,而考察fdi流入與外貿關系的研究,則較少。
  15. Capital inflows are set to increase to nearly usd200bn this year

  16. China ' s capital inflows are set to increase to nearly usd200bn this year

  17. Net asset inflows in november were $ 81bn, well above the trade deficit of $ 60. 3bn and market estimates of $ 55bn

  18. Outside the oecd, china hit a record as a destination for fdi, with inflows of $ 72bn, surpassed only by the uk and us

  19. Rising speculative inflows are likely to fuel further overheating in the property market and even delay the much - needed adjustment in real estate investment

  20. Changes in the existing exchange - rate policy could lead to explosive speculative capital inflows, which would make it harder for the central bank to control money supply, argues the report
