irus 中文意思是什麼

irus 解釋
  1. Paris : biochemists in the us beliee they may hae found the achilles heel of the h5n1 irus ? and not just of the bird flu pathogen but of a wide range of other influenza strains

    巴黎:美國的生化學家相信他們發現了h5n1病毒的阿喀琉斯之踵- -不僅是禽流感病原體,還包括其他的多種流感毒株
  2. Phylogenetic analysis reealed that the majority of oine isolates form a distinct cluster more similar to caprine lentiirus prototypes than to the isna irus prototype

    系統進化分析顯示大多數羊的隔離群病毒形成的獨特群簇更類似於山羊的慢病毒而不是綿羊髓鞘脫落病毒。術語可能不大專業,大概是這個意思吧! ?
  3. The so - called nucleoprotein ( np ) plays its role after a irus has hijacked a host cell and suberted it into a irus - making factory

    病毒劫持宿主細胞,將它顛覆成了一個病毒製造廠.然後,所謂的核蛋白( np )將行使功能
  4. Dr. irus : ten percent are unbelieably horrible, 10 percent are great, and the great unwashed are in the middle

  5. A surey of news stories in 1996 reeals that the antiscience tag has been attached to many other groups as well, from authorities who adocated the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox irus to republicans who adocated decreased funding for basic research

    一項關於1996年新聞報道的調查顯示,反科學的標簽還可以貼在許多其他團體身上,從提倡消滅最後存留的天花病毒的權威機構,到鼓吹削減基礎研究經費的共和黨人(都被貼上了反科學的標簽) 。
  6. Researchers from the european molecular biology laboratory [ embl ] in grenoble and heidelberg, the institut de biologie structurale [ ibs ] and the unit of irus host cell interactions [ uhci ] *, both in grenoble, hae now produced the first 3 - dimensional image of part of this key protein

  7. Integrase is one of the three enzymes of the irus that is required for iral replication

  8. During daily monitoring for the onset of contact accinia symptoms, 1 person had a rash and 1 had feer, but neither person had accinia irus infection ; all other potential contacts remained healthy with no nosocomial transmission

  9. Pseudorabies, c aused b y p seudorabies v irus ( prv ), i s a d isease c haracterized b y neurological disorder in piglets and reproductive failure in pregnant pigs. the vaccines currently used in china and other countries are all with ge - phenotype

    偽狂犬病病毒( pseudorabiesvirus , prv )歸屬于皰疹病毒亞科,主要引起豬的偽狂犬病( pr ) ,該病以仔豬的神經學癥狀和妊娠母豬的生殖障礙為主要特徵。
  10. May 18, 2007 ? in the first documented us case of eczema accinatum ( e ) since 1988, reported in the may 18 issue of the morbidity and mortality weekly report, secondary transmission of accinia irus occurred from a father accinated for smallpox to his child

  11. This surey also suggested that lie accines against human influenza may be of utility in the preention of the aian influenza irus infections in humans, and new preentie measures should be considered for the control of animal h5n1 influenza epidemics, which are likely more serious than indicated by official reports

  12. Genea ( reuters ) may 18 - the world health organisation ( who ) on friday delayed for at least four years any decision on when to destroy the world ' s last known stockpiles of smallpox, a deadly irus eradicated nearly 30 years ago

    日內瓦5月18日報道(路透社) :本周五世界衛生組織( who )將何時最終消滅世上現存的天花病毒(一種約30年前就被消滅了的致死性病毒)庫存的時間至少推遲了4年。
  13. Carey nachenberg, chief researcher of symantec ' s anti ? v irus research center, estimates that a computer ? savvy person could create a vir us similar to the love bug in an afternoon

  14. There is no treatment for the irus that was killing millions of people a year as recently as the 1960s and left many more blind and scarred

  15. Not only can this new type of irus - ectored accine get inside the cell, it also contains genes that produce molecules designed to stimulate, or adjuant, the body ' s natural immune system to elicit a stronger, more prolonged response

  16. The highest prealence ? nearly 45 % ? was found in young women within the age range recommended for a new irus - fighting accine, according to a report from the federal centers for disease control and preention

    據疾病控制和防治中心調查報道:最高時約有45 %的人感染並向年輕婦女推薦一種新的抗病毒疫苗。
  17. Finally, irus particles were examined by electron microscopy and shown to possess the expected size and shape of hc irus particles

  18. Also, it is based on a irus strain that was circulating in ietnam three years ago

  19. Study of hc replication within lier cells, or hepatocytes, has been hampered by a lack of adequate irus culture systems

  20. Some systems allow the irus to infect cells but do not permit prolonged replication and production of irus, while other systems rely on deriaties of permissie irus isolates for efficient replication in transformed ( mutated ) cell lines
