kang xi 中文意思是什麼

kang xi 解釋
  • kang : n. 〈漢語〉 炕。
  • xi : n. 希臘字母表第十四個字母〈Ξ,ξ〉。
  1. So when kang xi was sixteen he threw him out of the palace, and became a real emperor

  2. Part iv revolves around kang xi s visit to shanxi province.

  3. Finally, systemic technology of design and construction of sfrc in tunnel engineering, by the example of gao niangou tunnel, which located at xi " an - an kang railway, and where sfrc was used as permanent lining, was discussed

  4. The deep affection between emperor kang xi and his grandmother xiao zhuang

  5. Ever since sima qian " climbed the lushan mountain from the south ", about 1, 500 literary masters such as tao yuanming, li bai, bai juyi, sushi, wang anshi, huang tingjian, lu you, zhu xi, kang youwei, hu shi and guo moruo have climbed it

    從司馬遷"南登廬山" ,到陶淵明、李白、白居易、蘇軾、王安石、黃庭堅、陸游、朱熹、康有為、胡適、郭沫若等1500餘位文壇巨匠登臨廬山。
  6. Kang xi lai le - anthony wong

  7. My nephew is not more than 1 age, is in the mouth period typically, to bite what he finds, once eat off one third of my book kang xi emperor on my bed, i don ' t care the book if he finished it, i only care, when he was in anus period, if he will shit a book of kang xi emperor out

  8. Kang xi lai le - eric tsang

  9. Kang xi ' s view on western science

  10. Kang xi lai le - stef sun

  11. The tin hau temple was built in the reign of kang xi of the early qing dynasty. it also has a history of more than 200 years
