keep 中文意思是什麼

音標 [ki:p]
keep 解釋
vt. 及物動詞 (kept )1. 拿著,保持;保存,保留;保管,把守(門等);保守(秘密等)。
2. 保護,防護,防守。
3. 履行;遵守。
4. 慶祝,過(節),過(年),舉行(儀式)。
5. 撫養;僱用。
6. 飼養。
7. 備有,經售。
8. 經營,開設,管理。
9. 繼續沿著…走。
10. 整理,料理。
11. 記住;記載,記入。
12. 挽留,留住;拘留。
13. 使…保持著(某種狀態)〈用此義時在受詞后加補語〉。
14. 制止,防止,妨礙;隱瞞。
15. 留在(房屋等)內;保持在(座位等)上不動。
keep a stick in one's hand 手裡拿著一根棍子。
You may keep the magazine as your own. 名詞 你把那本雜志當作自己的東西留下來好啦(不必還)。
The bank keeps money for people. 銀行替人保管存款。
keep a fortress [town] against the enemy 防守要塞[城市]抵禦敵人。
Who keeps the goal 誰守球門? keep a promise 守約。
keep the rules 守規則。
keep early hours 早睡早起。
keep late hours 晚睡晚起。
keep a secret 守秘密。
keep one's word 履行諾言;說話算話。
keep one's birthday 做生日,祝壽。
keep Chinese New Year 過春節。
have a wife and family to keep要養家。
keep chickens 養雞。
keepa motorcar 自備汽車。
Do you keep postcards here 你們這里有明信片嗎? keep a school 辦學校。
keep (a) shop 開店。
keep the middle of the road 一直沿著路中間前進。
keep house 管理家務。
keep a fact in mind 心裏記住一件事。
keep accounts [books] 記賬。
keep a diary 記日記。
What keeps him here, I wonder 我不知道他待在這里幹什麼? I won't keep you long. 我不會耽擱你很久。
keep sb. in custody 扣留某人。
keep a razor sharp 使剃刀經常鋒利。
Cold bath keeps me in good health. 冷水浴使我健康。
keep the window open 把窗子開著。
keep the tears from one's eyes 忍住眼淚。
He keeps nothing from me. 他什麼事都不瞞我。
keep a child away from the fire 讓孩子離火遠一點。
keep sb. from hurting himself 提防某人受傷。
Illness kept me from coming yesterday. 我昨天因病沒有來。
keep one's bed 臥床不起。
keep the house 足不出戶。
vi. 不及物動詞 1. 繼續,保持,維持。
2. 〈口語〉逗留;住在;呆。
3. 〈口語〉(店等)開著,(學校)上課。
4. 繼續不斷〈用此義時常接動詞 -ing〉。
5. (食物等)保持不壞。
6. 拖,擱。
7. 保持某種路線[方向、活動]。
n. 名詞 1. 保持,保養;管理。
2. 生活資料,衣食;飼料。
3. 【歷史】中世紀城堡的最牢固的部分,城堡的高樓;堡壘;要塞,堅固據點。
4. 監牢,監獄。

  1. We can 't keep abreast of the developing situation unless we study harder.

  2. She is trying to keep abreast of the literature

  3. They went to absurd lengths to keep the affair secret.

  4. With its anti - acarid and deodorization, it helps baby keep good sleeping posture, contribute to baby ' s head shape

  5. We have no accommodation to keep them in custody.

  6. Thank you for buying merchandise from us. you are a valued customer of ours. we appreciate your business and know that you want to keep your account current with us

  7. Catherine wishes to keep up your acquaintance.

  8. Advertising encourages consumers to “ keep up with the joneses ”, namely, it creates an acquisitive society and a demand for material things

  9. They keep up with trade publications, and read help-wanted ads.

  10. The guides now adjured us to keep the strictest silence.

  11. Reputation : comply with state laws and regulations, keep commercial professional criteria strictly and to be admissive company by the public

  12. With an admonitory gesture to keep them back, he stooped, and looked in through the crevice in the wall

    夠了,你是英國人,是另外一回事。請你們站在這兒等一等。 」
  13. The servants likewise used me saucily, and had much ado to keep their hands off me.

  14. She could not persuade herself as to the advisability of her promise, or that now, having given her word, she ought to keep it

  15. In recent years, the hotel industry of our country develops quite rapidly and the marketing competition is fierce day by day. if you want to make and keep the advantage of the competition, you must put attention in improving the service quality of customer aesthesia hi the hotel, then make the customer satisfied, and form customers loyal

  16. I am apt to recently little stomach an angina next have loose bowels, and go up gas, keep exhaust, lie on the bed in the evening especially, can feel the position that feels bowel rouses a packet, particularly afflictive, the doctor says i am alvine function disorder, i eat now " li zhu bowel is happy " a week, angina was solved, other did not see how old the effect, i want to ask the year before last year i made alvine looking glass, have the possibility of the adhesion that get bowel, is my symptom resembled unlike

  17. Then, to the two affrighted onlookers : " keep away

    然後又對那嚇壞了的兩位看客叫道, 「讓開!
  18. I was sure the "beauty" could not keep afloat for a long time.

  19. He knows that few men are skillful or strong or lucky enough to keep a skill afloat in these wild waters.

  20. Keep us out into the centre of the stream or we ' ll run us aground
