kesting 中文意思是什麼

kesting 解釋
  1. It ' ll be transported to the capla kesting fine art gallery in brooklyn ' s artsy williamsburg neighborhood, where britney the artwork is to appear next to a display case filled with pro - life materials

    當愛德華茲被外界問及他的作品為什麼總是引發轟動時,他表示: 「這不是一件壞事,人們對這些主題感興趣,這同樣對藝術創作有利。 」
  2. " a bronzed cast of baby ' s first poop can be a meaningful memento for the family, " gallery director david kesting said, adding that he hoped the work would attract bids of up to 25 or 30, 000 dollars

    今年4月,布蘭妮臨盆雕塑也是在capla kesting美術館展出的。美術館館長大衛凱斯汀說: 「寶寶首次排泄的固體大便的銅像對這個家庭而言是件意味深長的紀念品。 」
  3. The scatological sculpture is purportedly cast from 19 - week old suri ' s first bowel movement and will be shown at the capla kesting gallery in brooklyn, new york, before being auctioned off for charity. the artist behind the work, daniel edwards, previously courted controversy with a life - size nude sculpture of pop star britney spears giving birth on a bearskin rug

    據稱,這尊大便雕塑的原型是克魯斯19周大的女兒蘇瑞第一次拉下的固體大便,雕塑將在美國紐約州布魯克林的capla kesting美術館展出,之後將被公開拍賣,所得收益全部捐贈給慈善事業。
  4. Some people are upset that britney is being used for this subject matter, " said gallery co - owner david kesting

    當被記者問及他是否屬于贊成生命派時,他說: 「你在給我下結論。