kibaki 中文意思是什麼

kibaki 解釋
  1. Mr kibaki ' s choice of cabinet ministers does not suggest he is reaching out to those who opposed him

  2. Mr kibaki has been hoping that time is on his side, that the violence and anger will burn itself out, that the opposition led by raila odinga will gradually be forced to accept a fait accompli, that the african union and leaders of countries close to kenya will rally to the incumbent in their usual clubbable manner, and that kenya ' s biggest trading partners and aid givers will shrink from penalising him because general sanctions would hurt kenya ' s many poor

  3. Whole towns have been paralysed, as ethnic cleansing has spread, with mr kibaki ' s fellow kikuyus, who run thousands of businesses outside their own heartlands, being chased out or even killed

  4. These would punish mr kibaki ' s more obdurate ministers and backers, while sparing poorer kenyans from the effects of general trade and aid sanctions

  5. Mr. kibaki was the candidate of an alliance of opposition groups called the national rainbow coalition

    基巴基是反對派聯盟? ? 「全國彩虹同盟」的總統候選人。
  6. At least messrs kibaki and odinga now have two teams of negotiators grappling with each other under mr annan ' s gaze

  7. The decision to return kenya ' s 76 - year - old incumbent president, mwai kibaki, to office was not made by the kenyan people but by a small group of hardline leaders from mr kibaki ' s kikuyu tribe

  8. The kikuyu - led party backing his rival, the incumbent president, mwai kibaki, was most blatant in ensuring that his tally of votes in the kikuyu heartland north of the capital, nairobi, was inflated

    支持其對手姆瓦伊?齊貝吉(現任肯尼亞總統)的基庫尤人領導的政黨表現得則最為炫耀? ?他們要保證在首都內羅畢北面的基庫尤中心地帶的選票會過于膨脹性地投給齊貝吉。
  9. President kibaki ' s party of national unity has agreed to the creation of a prime minister ' s office that would be filled by the opposition orange democratic movement, better known as odm

  10. In any event, nearly all luos still want mr kibaki forced from office

  11. The international bodies and countries that might have been expected to squeeze mr kibaki into seeing sense have been incoherent

  12. Kibaki was declared the winner of a presidential election that the opposition says was rigged

  13. The americans first endorsed mr kibaki ' s flawed victory, as he has been an ally in their war on terror, then withheld approval, then sent out confusing signals after their state department ' s head of african affairs said, rightly, that ethnic cleansing was happening

  14. But mr kibaki is not yet home and dry

  15. So far, western governments have yet to recognise mr kibaki fully

  16. It is unclear whether that means the west wants mr kibaki to step down

  17. Some say there are furious disagreements within mr kibaki ' s circle in state house

  18. There may not be enough money to keep mr kibaki ' s promise of free secondary education for all

  19. If mr kibaki were to call them in, the danger of national disintegration might increase

  20. Mr odinga is demanding mr kibaki ' s resignation
